Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Count down to 2013.... Tough Times

Life is a challenge....

I only hope that the result of tough times with my son will be that I have grown a well-rounded man.  Today, we had to deal with snow difficulties.  He did well, but had a few meltdowns.  Getting to his snowboard camp took time -- time to shovel out, time to drive carefully, time to arrange for the proper tickets and equipment, time to hook up with an instructor, etc. 

Taking the proper time proved to be a challenge....  I know he was excited, but....

Now, I have to hope that he has a great day.  I know he's better off without me during this adventure, but I do worry so....

If I take time now to get things done, then our together time later today will be much more fun.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 25 - the last of the advent calendar

Three little rubber animals sat in the box to say hello to their new owner and to help say goodbye to the advent calendar for another year. What fun it was....

Monday, December 24, 2012

24th day of advent calendar

A note in the box easily brought him to the hidden mini book light.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Collecting experiences, rather than stuff...

I am a collector at heart.  For now, though, I am trying to collect experiences, rather than stuff.  To that end, today (though I still have lots to do to get ready for Christmas), I took my Son skating.  It was fun!  Afterward, we got frozen yogurt and then had dinner at home.  Finally, we watched Christmas With The Kranks.  I never say that movie before, and I so infrequently sit and watch a movie.  It was also a chance to read Sunday's New York Times before the start of what promises to be a totally hectic  week. 

Prior to my mother/son time, I did get things done for my Mom -- after all, what would a Sunday be without my "sandwich," the generational one, that is....     

Day 23

Okay, enough with the Japanese erasers....  But how could I resist the emergency response package?  He opened and played with it a bit.  What more could I ask for? 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

22nd day of advenet calendar

Creativity, as well as my stash, is running low.  A few dollar bills did the trick today....  A gift a day can be a challenge.  Perhaps next year a new approach will be in order....

Friday, December 21, 2012

Advent calendar 21st day

Interesting and different playing cards that we both enjoy, though he is more interested in the dragon picture than I.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent calendar - 20

The clinging lizard toy was met with silence....

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Getting ready for a new year....

I already am starting to think, and get excited, about 2013.  Beginning to prioritize is exhilarating.  Today, I was drawn to Robert Frost's Poem, Into My Own.  This poem has sporadically found its way into my thoughts.  To me, it symbolizes new adventures and different directions.  I am running away, running toward, and sometimes just running.  Despite adjustments and changes, I do not change at my core, but "[o]nly more sure of all I thought was true."

2013 will be lean and mean, with time to wean, glean, and preen.... 

Another gift...

Squinkies were all over.... A few we're behind the door in the box, and then others made a bit of a path elsewhere, and then ended up in a storage basket, their new home. The excitement was minimal.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

18th day gift

A sheet of stickers...met with only a few snickers...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent calendar -day 17

A note told him to look where the chalk is stored. He hardly hesitated, heading straight to the hiding place. He retrieves the miniature Moleskine notebooks and says, "thanks." I like when we like the same things....

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 16

Miniature package of clay that still did not fit, though it nicely sat on top of the opened door. The day was so busy that the clay remains unused. A weekend filled with such mixed emotions now is coming to a close. What will the week bring?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 15

Another Japanese eraser.... Also, a note indicating that he could get a song, app, or book on his Kindle Fire. He chose a book that we now will read together.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 14

The toy truck fit nicely in the box. My Son thought it was "okay." He's so smart; he learned not to negatively comment. He used it for a few minutes today....


This morning, I was thinking that my word of the day was going to be blessings, a word highlighted on my holiday card. Then, I listened to a Fresh Air podcast during which the song Count Your Blessings was sung. Then, I felt blessed to be partaking in my Company's holiday luncheon. Then, the horrible events in Newtown, CT unfolded and I felt even more blessed.  Then, traffic turned my 2 1/2 hour commute into 3 3/4 hours.  However, I was safe, as was my 3rd grade Son, who called me when he arrived home after a great day at school and a great piano lesson. 

After I long day, I still have lots to do.  However, my Son just told me that he wanted to sit on my lap because it's warm.  How could I refuse such a simple request on this sad day?  Particularly when he wanted to watch a Christmas song video of The Piano Guys on YouTube?

I am blessed, and I will remember that.  My thoughts and prayers are with the Newtown families who lost so much today.     

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 13

No reaction to today's treat. However, watching him figure out the treat's location was a treat for me!  The note in the box read, "2 Santas and 2 snowmen are holding your treat."  The miniature book of mazes was tucked behind the full Santa on one of the wing chairs.  Upon reading the note, his face displayed that he was in thinking mode.  He asked if it was on the tree.  I said no and he thought, looked around, and thought again.  He then went straight for the chair where he found the treat.  Okay, that activity was done and it was on to breakfast.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Repeat performance - day 12

More Japanese erasers....  Instead of one, however, this treat was a package that hung from the door's handle.  How could I resist the school supplies assortment?  My Son and I are school/office supply junkies, so this was perfect.  He actually opened the package, and was talking about which one was his favorite, the roll of tape so far.  Animated reaction=success!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas decorations - day 2

At this rate, I may have enough decorations displayed by Christmas.

As far as the tree, it is not perfect, but it is festive. I think back on all of the years that my tree was so important. Not so much now....  My Son wanted more lights, so today we added 200. 

One of my favorite parts of unpacking the decorations is enjoying the Santa pictures.  This year, I think they will adorn the corner cabinet.  This display is an example of "done is good."  The frames don't match and aren't high quality, but I have one for every year of my Son's life.  I am grateful that I have made sure to have a picture taken each year...

Day 11

Another Japanese eraser - baseball mitt and ball.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent calendar - day 10

Fun and retro? The note asked, "did you decorate the tree?" The mini etch a sketch was having on the tree. He seems to like it.... He was showing me how to use it. Little does he know that I used these for many hours as a kid. I was one of the ones who had to "color in" / erase the whole screen to see the inside workings.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 8

Oops, I forgot to report on this day.... It was a note "I owe you" for 2 songs on iTunes. Rarely satisfied, my Son already negotiated a trade to buy an app on his Kindle Fire.

Day 9

In honor of the season, today's treat was Chanukah gelt. Gone in a split second....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sandwich Saturday

This picture isn't great, but it captures today.  I took my Son and Mom to a RIHS event celebrating Christmas in the 1940s.  It was not difficult at times, but it worked out well.  Being out and about with my Mom reminded me that she is slowing down more. 

Overall, the event fulfilled my expectations.  Dinner back home was wonderful. I had set up the crock pot earlier today, so completing dinner was simple.  Though my Mom doesn't chat much these days, it was nice having her here. 

Driving Mom back and forth wasn't so bad with my new car, Audible on Blue tooth, and Says You on NPR. 

My desire to collect more experiences than stuff was met today!   

Advent calendar - day 7

This day included a bit of a hunt in that the box contained a clue, "want to watch a movie?"  That sent him to the drawer with all of the movies where there was a bag.  The gift was a building set (miniature blocks) of Nanoblock to construct a grand piano.  This gift was in honor of my Son's piano recital that night.  Time will tell whether he or I build the piano....    

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Advent calendar - day 6

Japanese erasers pleased both giver and receiver....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fun finds....

My Son and I are glad to welcome the newest Starbucks teddy bear into our home.  I am not sure who's enjoying these collectibles more, him or me.  It's fun to find something that we both enjoy!

Advent calendar - day 5

The retro puzzle game was met with mixed emotions. Tough times on the gift-giving front...

Meanwhile, this week is very hectic, with lots of time away from home.  The best thing about such craziness is that it reminds me how much I like otherwise uneventful times. A day at home would be welcomed, be alas not quite yet ....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 4

This treat was fun for the giver because the miniature deck of cards so nicely fit in the provided box! The recipient was mildly impressed ....

Monday, December 3, 2012

Advent calendar - day 3

Multi-colored pen that sort of fit in the box was met with approval. Burn out is trying to take me. I need to resist....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent calendar advancement

Today's treat was received with a bit more enthusiasm; it sure is difficult to please an 8 year-old. With today's gift, perhaps I will be able to find a charger when I need it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Season's Greetings - Advent Calendar

Today starts another season with my LL Bean advent calendar that I have had since 1990. It has been through a lot with me. Even opening the original box stirs memories.  It was shipped to my Mom at the family home in which she no longer lives.  The box includes a mover's numbered sticker from when I left Connecticut for Rhode Island. 

This collectible was used with others, and then not even unpacked when I was alone.  My Son has been so anticipating the start of this year's treats.  However, the first treat, Inventors playing cards, did not impress.  Of course, they did not fit in the too small box, so it included only a word puzzle as to the treat's location.  Sometimes, figuring out where the treat is provides as much pleasure as the treat itself.  Today was one of those days....