Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The mundane matters

We have so much to do so much of the time.  My Son decided he wanted to make frosting from scratch.  That decision was made days ago, but we kept getting busy with life; life so often gets in the way.  Yesterday, we simply made time.  He found a recipe on line.  He figured out what ingredients we had, and which we needed.  He added the needed ones to the grocery list.

Finally, it was late in the evening, but....  He measured everything.  I began with the mixer.  He didn't like that I was on low speed when the recipe called for medium speed.  He wanted no part of my explanation, so he took over.  Too quickly, he increased the speed, and created a bit of a mess.  He didn't like that, and ran from the room (in avoidance).  When I called him back, he said that I had told him to remove himself from a situation when he needed to take control of his feelings.  Oops, he was right and I was wrong.

He returned, cleaned his mess, and completed his project.  He was so proud of his accomplishment.  Among the many things he said was, "I love the Internet."  It quickly provided the recipe he desired.  He proceeded to enjoy his creation!

He and I learned so much from this experience....  Times like this are what matters, rather than the fact that he got to bed a bit too late and didn't follow the bedtime procedures. 

The experience and the result were not perfect, but they were.  Ordinarily, I wait to the perfect of everything, and so much gets left undone. 

Perfect doesn't have to exist to make perfect memories.      

Saturday, October 26, 2013

balance the trees and forest....

I've been thinking lots about the forest for the trees expression for so many reasons.

I recall that the bigger picture is the forest, and that you shouldn't get caught up in the details -- the trees.

The expression is, One should not lose sight of the forest for the trees.

In other words, if someone can't see the forest for the trees, they get so caught up in small details that that they fail to understand the bigger picture.

I often find myself having to - step back and take a breath.

Yet another way of expressing this is, paying too much attention to the details and not understanding the general situation.

I tend to be a trees person, rather than a forest one.  That approach, however, causes endless problems. 

I like the meaning of this expression, and also that it concerns trees, with which I am so intrigued.

For survival, and because I am way too busy, I need to remind myself repeatedly that the trees are important, but so is the forest.  Seeing the forest helps with overload avoidance. 

I could spend significant time on a particular detail, but then so much of the day is lost, as is the overall survival goal.

Once again, I circle back to balance.  It is critical.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Preparing for 50....

Planning, dreaming, and remaking are so much of what I do.  I try to do that while living each moment at the same time.  I want a balance between trees and forest - in every aspect of my being.

Presently, I think about what happens -- life, stuff, change, and drama.  I make mistakes, and I learn from them.

My 50th birthday is just over 3 months away.  It's an excuse to celebrate, and I will.  I am looking forward to this milestone.  It will be a decade filled with my five focus factors - fun, fitness, family, finance, and food.

Every decade is different.  My 20s were filled with education and early years of marriage.  My 30s were filled with change - the end of my starter marriage and the beginning of my lifetime marriage, as well as unlimited personal and professional developments.  My 40s have been filled with adapting to motherhood and a more uneventful existence.  The drama is different, less tumultuous overall.

My thoughts as to how I will celebrate are still in the development phase.  The newest "bee in my bonnet" is that my 50th birthday will begin an adventure that will last throughout my 50s.  When my 50s are complete, I would like to be able to say that I have seen all 50 states with my Son.  This goal has plenty of potential.  Already, my Son has calculated that he's been to 10 of he 50 states, or 20% of them, including all of the New England states.  He is a bit upset that he doesn't remember having vacationed in South Carolina.

This goal is consistent with our family's desire to learn and travel.  We love to discover new airports and hotels.  I often have difficulty deciding where to go.  That indecisiveness could be diminished if we randomly select a new state to visit.  The possibilities of pleasures are endless.

With luck, this adventure will form a foundation for my 50s.  I can make it happen....          

Sunday, October 13, 2013

mind murmur

Even a few minutes can work wonders....  My thoughs are running wild -- if only I were. As a run is not to be had, perhaps at all today, I will take instead a few minutes of quiet time at Starbucks.  Soon, it will be off again to my list of action items.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

pondering ... job, career, work, employment

Presently, I am quite interested in these words and what they mean.  I am intrigued by their many contexts and connotations.

I always have worked, it's just a matter of where and doing what.  I have been employed most of my life.   

Since I was 14, I had a job, which I thought of as a place to go to work in exchange for pay.  Some jobs were better than others, but each served a positive purpose.  I worked hard because I was raised to have a good work ethic.  I often viewed my jobs as a means to an end, and part of a bigger picture in which I had a career. 

That career came because I was driven.  That career went because I didn't drive it very well.

For about 6 months, I didnt' have a job or a career, but I still worked.  That work perhaps was harder than anything I had done before.  I worked to take care of my Dad during what ended up being the last days of his life.  I also worked to figure out what I next would do with my life.  I worked to figure out whether I would continue with my career, put it on hold, or do something entirely different.

I then took a job with a company.  I've been there almost seventeen years; everything's the same, but different.  The job has changed, the company has changed, the location has changed, but it's still the same.  I hadn't thought of this as my career, but perhaps I should.

How does the word employment fit in?  I am employed.  I have a job that I can call a career. 

Okay, now I am getting overwhelmed....  Add the work work to the equation, and....

I am a Mom, and, therefore, I work.  I am a daughter, wife, and family member, and, therefore, I work.  I am a woman who wants to be financially secure, and, therefore, I work.  I am a person who wants to be fit and have fun, and, therefore, I work. 

The reality is that I am working most of the time, though the details of what I am working on vary tremendously.  That's okay, and that's my choice.           



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mind murmur - make each day ideal

Fitting with this week's mood is the following bit that I read today, "What we learn from the day, as well as the attitude we have about it, is our daily lesson."  Good thing I like to learn something new every day....

Today was also made complete by the following words of Horatio W. Dresser, "The ideal day never comes.  Today is ideal for him who makes it so."

I call this day ideal for many reasons, including:  productive at work; selected some fun new eyeglasses; read; cooked a fine dinner; went to the gym; began listening to a very interesting book thanks to Audible; and continued to assemble vintage items that willcomprise a wedding gift.  That's enough for today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Different yet again....

Today had its own issues, but overall was successful.  Mostly, today was devoted to work.  However, I did make time for me.

The Yoga Studio app for my iPad is awesome.  I fit in a 15 minute class; what fun.  I also made time for a 3 mile run.

I will take today' success.  I will focus on it, and let the rest go.  There's time tomorrow for action items.  Tonight, they're done.  It's time to unwind and then to recharge with a good night's sleep.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What a difference a day makes

Today couldn't have been more different from the few prior days.  Almost 6 hours driving, and lots of time in the office.

Not much time with the lower bookend, but what we had was quality time.  No time with the upper bookend, but I did have to make a few calls and process some paperwork on her behalf.

It was busy and exhausting, though on a different level.  Perhaps I will have to start accepting that each day will vary tremendously.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sandwich Sunday success

Today was successful; I am exhausted.  The #bookends did well, better than I did at times.  I lost my temper a bit, but I self-corrected.

Personally, the day was lost.  I think I am at peace with that, knowing that I can make up for it....  How and when is not yet clear, but, as the saying goes, where there's a will there's a way.  I have the will, so I will find the way.

 I need to make more of the day mine.  Tomorrow's another day....

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A day devoted to my bookends

Today began and ended with my bookends.  It was wonderful, rewarding, and exhausting.  Fortunately, I stole a few moments for me.  It would have been better with a run, but that wasn't to be stolen.  My few dog walks were all....

The day began with a few minutes of quiet time to read in bed.  Then it was one bookend's soccer practice, during which I doodled....  At home, I did some work and organizing.  We enjoyed a quick lunch at the table, and then it was off to the other bookend.

I had a working interview with a woman who might be able to help with my Mom.  I think it went well, but I am on overload.  I will need more time to process it, but who has time when my Son needs more attention.

My lower bookend was so helpful, I made time to stop at The Paper Store, where he was able to join the free bracelet making activity and then purchase his coveted Rainbow Loom.  It kept him occupied during the remainder of time with the upper bookend.  As a treat for me, I popped into the Whole Foods next door and got a Pumpkin Late.  It was good, but not as good as the PSL at Starbucks.

A few minutes were spent collecting items that will comprise a wedding present that my upper bookend will present at a family wedding.  I ordered a frame that I hope will work for the wedding picture of the groom's great grandmother.  Then, with the help of my iMac, I dictated letters dated November 1, 1939 that the bride in the picture wrote to her mother and sister.  The date is not quite, but close to, the wedding to which I soon will accompany my Mom.

I am grateful that I was able to devote today to my bookends, but....  Only a bit of work was done, not nearly enough, and action items are left unaddressed.  Tomorrow's another day.  Alas, it's more of the same because it's sandwich Sunday.  If only I can take or make time for me, even a bit, then it will be okay....  It's all important.  The important items get reordered, moving up and down on the time continuum.  I will remember that and find peace in it.  Today is almost done.  I will take pleasure in it with a cup of green tea, which certainly will serve me better than the preferred Saturday night beer.

I will make this a happy ending....  Each day can and should be a happy one...