Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

DIMmemories - historic find

On the back of this picture, my Dad wrote, "This picture was taken on Mt. Scopus over-looking the city of Jerusalem."  My Dad is the third from the right in the front row.  This picture is not dated, but I am sure that one of the many letters I have yet to transcribe will reveal that fact.  For now, I know that it is between 1942 and 1944, when he was overseas.

Letters project - WWII intrigue

I know my interest in US history, particular World War II, will be increased through this project.  My 11 year-old Son already is asking questions to which the answers are not at my ready.

This picture alone holds such intrigue....

Friday, January 30, 2015

Simple pleasures - city scenes 1/29/15

I did not mind coming to the office today.  Enjoying the sights always is refreshing.  #PVD is a wonderful city.  I am more productive when I am busy....

DIMmemories - what lies ahead

In 1943, even the paper has meaning.  The "censored" marks and "passed by" "army examiner" stamps are curious in and of themselves. 
This letter from Christmas day, 1943 conjures many images surounding: my Dad recovering from surgery; the singing nurses; dailiy activities; and a hospital somewhere far from my Mom in Boston.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Letters project - historic significance

I am almost done with the more than 30 letters from 1945.  I am anxious to get to the letters from 1942-1944.  Matching up the many photographs I have surely will be a history lesson.  For example, under what circumstances did my Dad come to have this photograph taken?  The date on the back is August 5, 1942, and it is identified as Durban S.A.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#WOD - word of the day / key

Words hold such significance.  The word key is a small one wih 3 letters; my favorite number is three, which is key right there.  Merriam-Webster's meaning is a long one and includes various parts of speech.

Today, I particularly like the following that Merriam-Webster has to offer,

an instrumental or deciding factor

to have the most importand part in (something)

important, fundamental

I will ponder these as I make my way through what promises to be anothr challenging day.

DIM memories - personal and historic

My discoveries have personal and historic significance.  

I love the short note added to a letter.  Perhaps that promise is what kept them together for more than 50 years until his death.

The historical significance is not lost.  A TWA sticker is classic 

This letters project is extremely rewarding on so many levels -- I am having fun....

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Letters project - daily discoveries

I love the items I am discovering.  Remember the days when hotels provided high quality paper?  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

DIM memories - living through letters

I am having fun finally moving forward with my transcribing project thanks to my MacBook Air. 

This is an Early  morning task with at least one letter each day.  It still will take some time as there are about 100 letters, but at least I am moving forward with #BabySteps.   

I am effectively putting into action tools learned recently in the self-help / productivity disciplines.  

So much of this project is intriguing, including even the diverse paper selection.  

I am learning so much, and have a new-found appreciation for the depth of my Parents' love.  I am thinking that they survived the hard times because of the base the developed.  

Friday, January 2, 2015

New year; better me

I don't want to be new, but simply a better version of myself.  I will do something for myself every day.  When I take and make that time, I am better.  I will appreciate and enjoy what I have.  I will listen and learn.  I will focus on doing a bit each day of my action items that never get enough attention.  I will be proactive rather than reactive.  I know this year will bring many and diverse challenges, and I know that I will handle them successfully by being comfortable and confident.  I can and will be productive, efficient, and effective.  I am ready.