A recurring mantra is never say never.
My Mom was never going to a long term care facility (okay, a nursing home, I said it) until she did, one year ago today. It was one of the most difficult decisions I ever made, but one of the best as it turns out. She is thriving.
My Son was never going to a catholic school until it was clear that one school in particular was a good fit for him. Now we are planning for next year.
I was never going to work regularly in an office again until it became clear that doing so would allow me to work smarter. I hired someone, and training her in the office was most effective. Also, I can time-block my days better by regularly going to the office. Don't get me wrong, this office work is not 5 days a week, but it is much more than I ever thought I would want.
Allowing life to take its natural course is a favorable approach. Follow the possibilities rather than fighting them.