Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fitness focus factor

No exercise today, but lots of other house chores accomplished. It's okay because since Monday it's the first day without exercise in it. I am such a better person as a result!

Those 5 days included a total of 4 hours (3 one hour sessions and 2 half hour sessions). They included running and cross-training; 3 days running outside and 2 sessions at the gym.

I need to keep that schedule / trend going for so many reasons. Every part of my life is better when I take time to exercise. Too often I forget this, but thankfully I can remember and implement it again.

I am worth it. I will take the time for me. In doing so, I end up having more quality time for and with others.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

mind murmur - daylight savings

The only time I remember being grounded as a child was on the night that daylight savings time ended.   I recall that I was in my late teens, and I had gone out with my older, later-to-be first husband.  We went to a party at a local private (polish or bocce) club.  I stayed out way too late. 

When I go home, one of my older brothers was awake.  Someone commented on the time, perhaps 2am.  I quickly referred to 1 hour earlier, as if that would make it okay.  He then said that I was too late.   My Mom agreed, and implemented some punishment.  I recall that she grounded me, but I don't recall any of the details.  It did not have any impact on me, except that I do remember it about 30 years later. 

Currently, I have such difficulty punishing my Son because I want it to have real impact, other than a vague memory in some distant time.  Although, might there be some value to that memory?

mind murmur

Things have been so hectic.  I think about blogging, but get caught up in life instead.  Though I am not here, I am not static.  I have gotten back into eBay and, selling as hemwcollects.  My time there has been fun, but not enough.  What is enough?  At least it's something....

I have been increasingly curious about Twitter, so I have flown there, tweeting as @running2remake.  This is quite an interesting place and activity.  Tonight, my Son asked, "are you tweeting?"  How he even knew what that was is a mystery to me -- he's 7.  Anyway, I answered affirmatively, and he asked to whom I was tweeting, and I replied that I wasn't sure.  He then absconded with my iPhone and sent the following tweet,

This is Connor hi my mom is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she really nice.They are the best mom and dad EVER! 

Well, I have no words for that....

I didn't fit in my run today.  I did, however, clean the garage gutters. 

How can I be expected to be "girly" sexy when at the same time I am expected to do that which otherwise will not get done?