Over 16 years ago, I added this picture to my desk at work. Though my desk changed within the building, the picture remained. It was a reminder to me of starting over, and my original remaking, when I "ran away from home" after my divorce. When I started my job, my Daddy was dying; this picture of him and me was taken in 12/95, I starter my job in 12/96, and he died in 1/97.
Today, I removed this picture from my desk. The office is moving to a different building, and I no longer need this picture as an immediate reminder. My Daddy remains in my heart.... Thankfully, my remakings now are more refinements.
Throughout the day, I recalled all that transpired while at that building. I began and ended many runs from the parking lot. I remember meeting up with MJB, who played a major role in my CT life. I received my last call from JEF there, and the first call from my husband. Lest I forget sitting at my desk on the afternoon that my sister called to tell me that my Daddy died. I smoked more than a few cigarettes "out back," where I was when the first plane hit on 9/11. The memories were overwhelming and too many to here record....
Physically, the area today looked like it did on the day that I first took pictures to show my Daddy where I would start over. He told me that he was confident that I would be okay after he died.... I have been, and continue to be, okay. In fact, in many ways I am better. I am stronger for sure, and I have taken within me the confidence that my Daddy expressed to me. I am much more true to myself....
When I left the building for the last time this afternoon, I took comfort in knowing both how far I have come, and that I am generally in a great place at this point in my life.
Next week, I will arrive at a new building as a newer me.... Times change, surroundings change, but certain things remain the same....
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