Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sandwich Sunday

It was a tough day, but I will focus on the pleasures.... It was hot, so Mommy used her wheelchair when we went out.  My Son wanted to help....

We ate out and visited at my brother's house.  It was satisfying family time.

Thankfully, I took time for my run this morning!  The physical, emotional, and mental benefits enabled me to handle the day's challenges rather well.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to basics - family matters

When all else fails, go back to basics.  They will carry you through more than you thought possible.

For me, basics include my family.  As the youngest of 8 children, all of whom have partners, family can be quite consuming, overhwelming, and demanding.  At times, being so busy with my own stuff, I focus less on my family.  This past weekend, I had a forced refocusing, which significantly and ultimately was for the best.

The family affair was a joyous one, thankfully, my nephew's wedding.  My Mom, her eight children, and the grown grandchildren were among the gusts.  The event was out of town, so an overnight hotel stay was required. 

The weekend was busy, but relaxing.  We talked, but we didn't.  We reconnected, but we didn't.  Mostly, we were together.  I took great comfort in that togetherness.

So much in life changes, but the underlying structure and strong foundation that a family provides can be a constant.  That's not to say that the family doesn't change, with marriages, divorces, births, deaths, break-ups, and what have you.....  In addition to physical changes, family dynamics can change depending upon where members are in their lives, as well as the nature of presented demands.  However, the bond is there.  I can be a helpful and positive one; I will let it be just that.   

Friday, June 14, 2013

Always learning....

As long as I am learning, I am living.... 

This week, I am continuing my education in "balance 101, the art of working hard and playing hard."  I am so busy with work and family, trying to balance the two.  I can't say work and home, because so much of my work is done at home. 

Perhaps, instead, it should be professional and personal.  This characterization is much more accurate.

Working is my professional life, and playing is my personal life.  That's not to say that I don't sometimes consider work as play, or play as work.  I work very hard in my personal life, but....  You have to draw the line somewhere.

To me, working hard and playing hard means focusing on what is happening at the moment; devotion to what is at hand.  If I can focus, then I can derive satisfaction and success.  This approach is akin to realizing that you can't do it all at once.  I need to parcel out time and activities.

Professional and personal time can be relished when time on each is done well.  By way of example, I have been working hard this week, completing many projects.  I also payed hard when I exercised and read with my Son.  As a result of having worked hard and played hard, I feel much more relaxed and ready for the weekend.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Putting it in perspective

Perspective is important, critical in fact.  I can plan a lifetime, but I can only live a day.  

I can't forget about the overall picture, but I can't let it overwhelm me.  There's a balance between living in the moment, and living for it.

I took time to be at the gym right now.  I am living in the moment, but but for a lifetime of moments yet to be.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On the edge....

Living like nature...on the edge. vain

I am striving, though I am not sure for what.  I am sure, however, that my striving is in vain.  I am doing so much and so little at the same time.  I move forward, only to fall backward....

My life is really good, and not so good at the same time.  Does that place me among so many other similarly situated women?  Perhaps, but I don't want to be there.  I am part of a bigger group, but nonetheless alone.

These thoughts are expressed out of frustration, and nothing more.  As often is done, I will dismount from my self-pity perch and prop myself up on my blessings bench.  I belong firmly on the latter, rather than balancing on the former.

Well, there is one thing for which I can successfully strive....  I will run today. 

Gone but not forgotten

Three years ago today, I smoked my last cigarette.  While cigarettes are gone from my life, they are not forgotten.  I envy those people who quit and then can't stand the smell of smoke.  I still love that smell.  I breath it in on those very few occasions I am exposed to it. 

I didn't smoke all the time, or continuously, but for quite some time cigarettes were in my arsenal.  Now they're not.  I am proud and grateful that I haven't enjoyed even a puff since three years ago today, but....

Cravings exist all too frequently.  At times, I view cigarette smoking as an indulgence.  However, I know that it's not one in which I can partake.  One puff would lead to one cigarette, to one pack, and then....

I am stronger than the unhealthy habit of cigarette smoking, but sometimes I get so tired of being so strong.  Why do I often feel like mourning, rather than rejoicing?

Well, today I will run....