Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mind murmur

I spent 1 hour at the gym, and still got done what needed to be done.  Why can't I do that on a more regular basis?  I am a better everything tonight....

Add the positive, and remove the negative.  The positive pushes me forward; the negative nails me down.

Readjusting again....

November has been such a hectic month.  I can't decide how successful it has been, but there's little time left for further evaluation.  I have to readjust in so many ways, most significantly in my exercise routine.  In fact, since my half marathon, there's been no routine.  I am ready for one again; I miss it, which is a great first step. 

My thoughts are with possible weight loss and strength training, with running playing less of a role.  If I shed a few pounds and add a bit of muscle, then I will feel and look better.  Also, my running will benefit. 

Part of the current problem is that I am not sufficiently making and taking time for me.  That will change.  After all, changing, readjusting, and remaking is what it's all about....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Word of the day

Renaissance - we're going to, and embarking on, one....

November 21

Sixteen years ago today was what ended up being the last birthday my Dad had before his death. It was bittersweet, as so much had been....

I told him that his sister died on that day, which was hard; another sister had died only 5 months before, and Dad knew that his death was not far away. Also, Win was in Louisville, KY.

I told my Dad that I accepted a job in Connecticut. Following 5 months at home with him (having sold my house, quit my job, and getting a divorce in one week's time), I would be easing into a new life. He said he was glad to know that things were coming together for me; he said it was a great gift.

That day was difficult, but I remain grateful for it and so many others that I shared with my Dad, my DIM memories....


I just spent time drafting a "go with it" post, but when I added the photos I lost the text....

Anyway, those thoughts will have to remain in my head with way too many other things. Suffice it to say that I am most certainly a doer. New car. Done. My Jeep had 258,601 miles, and my Subaru has 41 miles. I took my Jeep home on home on December 19, 2002. I took my Subaru home on November 19, 2012.

What adventures are yet to be?

Jeep to Subaru

New car, new adventures....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Race success

I thought I could, I thought I could, says my motivator (the Little Blue Engine) and me. The race was fun and tough.

I am still processing the process, but for now I am simply soaking in a successful completion.

Sharing your intended time is tough, particularly when you miss it. My Son said that I didn't run fast enough. I hope that he will remember the learning moment that followed.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Resting and remembering

This rest time allows time to remember.

Ten years ago today, I woke up in an Inn in Rhode Island with my Mother. It was my wedding day, and I was ready.

Today, I woke up in a hotel in New Hampshire with my Son. It is the day before my half marathon. The fun details filled today - number pick-up, scoping out the starting line, and driving the race route. More rest tonight....

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Last lap

Three days from today, my race will be run.

Today, I had my last workout, which included 1 mile at 8:46. Though I wasn't sure how that would go, it did! Another marvelous mile. Interestingly, when I ran slower before and after that mile, I felt like I was running too slowly.

Physically, my training is done. In this regard, I only need to make sure that I rest. After 12 weeks of training, I have earned these three nights of quiet time. In fact, this time is as important as some of my runs.

I have to pack and travel, but I have to rest.

One challenge on race day will be trusting my training. I have to remember that I can run fast enough - I am strong.

So, physical training is behind me. Mental and emotional training remain. I will enjoy this. After all, that's what it's all about!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Preparation pondering

During the taper time, I love pondering my preparation, for which I have time with reduced training time.

My schedules went from empty to full, and evidence my commitment.

I have done as instructed and I am ready. Yesterday's run was awesome, and today's rest leaves time for gathering what I need for race weekend! This is exciting and energizing!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Taper time....

It's taper week! My 5th half marathon is this Sunday! My last long run was wonderful! I am ready for this adventure! Lots of details remain, but that's okay. My training has been terrific and I am so looking forward to realizing the benefits, though many of them are with me already!