Back to basics....
My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.
Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.
Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Fitness focus factor
Those 5 days included a total of 4 hours (3 one hour sessions and 2 half hour sessions). They included running and cross-training; 3 days running outside and 2 sessions at the gym.
I need to keep that schedule / trend going for so many reasons. Every part of my life is better when I take time to exercise. Too often I forget this, but thankfully I can remember and implement it again.
I am worth it. I will take the time for me. In doing so, I end up having more quality time for and with others.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
mind murmur - daylight savings
When I go home, one of my older brothers was awake. Someone commented on the time, perhaps 2am. I quickly referred to 1 hour earlier, as if that would make it okay. He then said that I was too late. My Mom agreed, and implemented some punishment. I recall that she grounded me, but I don't recall any of the details. It did not have any impact on me, except that I do remember it about 30 years later.
Currently, I have such difficulty punishing my Son because I want it to have real impact, other than a vague memory in some distant time. Although, might there be some value to that memory?
mind murmur
I have been increasingly curious about Twitter, so I have flown there, tweeting as @running2remake. This is quite an interesting place and activity. Tonight, my Son asked, "are you tweeting?" How he even knew what that was is a mystery to me -- he's 7. Anyway, I answered affirmatively, and he asked to whom I was tweeting, and I replied that I wasn't sure. He then absconded with my iPhone and sent the following tweet,
This is Connor hi my mom is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she really nice.They are the best mom and dad EVER!
Well, I have no words for that....
I didn't fit in my run today. I did, however, clean the garage gutters.
How can I be expected to be "girly" sexy when at the same time I am expected to do that which otherwise will not get done?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Grounded by the ground....
Today's run outside certainly grounded me. I am thankful that I fit me in! My trip will have to end because I am too good for it. I deserve more and I will take it....
Traveling - too bad it's on a self-pity trip
I have been working so hard to move forward in a mature, respectful, and responsible manner. However, lately this has been to no avail. The resulting feelings are many and certainly not becoming for a woman of my stature. What to do?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Chosen luxury / weekly wanderings
Finishing a week in which the fIve focus factors fit in rather well. Looking forward to a productive proactive week.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Mind murmur - consistency flows throughout
This past Saturday, my Son and I attended the RI Festival of Children’s Books and Authors at the Lincoln School. Norton Juster was one of the Authors! My Son and I met and spoke with Mr. Juster, who signed the copy that we purchased.
This convergence provided a fabulous current experience. It also revived childhood memories. I remember owning and cherishing The Phantom Tollbooth. However, I can’t recall reading it; I didn’t read very much. I don’t know what happened to that book, but I have it again. This time, I will remember reading it, which I hope too for my Son.
Chosen luxury - time / fitness focus
Last week, the fitness focus maintained a proper position. I completed 5 days of exercise (3 runs and 2 cross-training sessions at the gym) for a total of 3.5 hours. This week was unfolding horribly until today, when I promised myself a run. It happened!
This run reminded me that half the battle is getting out on the road. Once that was done, staying out was easy. I ran for 1 hour and felt great. I ran slowly, but my goal was time rather than distance.
Pursue the plan
Friday, September 30, 2011
App obsession - cut the rope
Monday, September 26, 2011
Mind murmur - finance focus factor
Today's interesting lesson is the value of diversification. Since entering the market 10 months ago, I have purchased 10 stocks. My overall investment is insignificant to so many people, but I decided that I had to start somewhere; something is better than nothing.
Despite recent volatility, I am not too far below my initial investment. Six of my stocks are up and four are down. Two show double-digit gains, and four show single-digit gains. Unfortunately, the four stocks that are down are way down, well into double-digits. Stop-loss orders probably would have been a wise approach, but....
For now, I will continue to watch and learn.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Mind murmur - sometimes it works out
Today's lesson -- try new things; they may work out for the best. Based on that lesson, I will call today a success. Lest I not forget the productive work day and cross-training session.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Mind murmur - hp change
Chosen luxury - bracelet
After much contemplation, I chose the path of life charm for my first, but certainly by no means my last, bracelet.
The timing of this luxury is perfect, as I am feeling that I am giving so much with little reward of any kind. I choose to reward myself with this luxury and the luxury of a run later today.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Remaking again....
Fortunately, I have been making my way back to the course. This past week, I found it and was hugely productive. Strides were made in all five focus factors -- food, family, finance, fitness, and fun! I am back on course and ready for the next remaking phase.
My current remaking is going to require a bit more organization and a lot more contemplation. For me, contemplation must be accompanied by writing and thus back to blog.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Remembering why I run, again....
Some things did not get done today, but that happens everyday -- what changes is what gets done or not. I am glad that my running got done today! I will relish that accomplishment while I collect my thoughts as the day draws to a close.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Chosen Luxury - Running Revamp - Garmin Forerunner Trainer
Obtaining this product was simple with the new system I have in place, given that I want what I want when I want it. Often, I get overwhelmed with information/product overload. Now, rather than searching too much for not, I simply spend a bit of time on Consumer Search, part of, and decide what product would satisfy my needs. Then, after a quick switch to the Amazon website, my research and purchase are complete. A day or two later, my chosen luxury arrives, and I am stresslessly satisfied.
I have run several times with my Garmin, with huge success. After taking the few minutes to download the Traning Center, I have discovered a new toy that will bring me such pleasure.
While I could spend too much time with my new toy, I am satisfied to know that my satisfaction is high regardless of my use level. For example, I have not even begun to understand the heart rate functions. I can save them for another day. For now, I will digest the fun I have had thus far....
Monday, July 11, 2011
Taking time
Recently, I decided that the most important thing I can do for myself is to run or cross train each day. This choice has been a wise one! Overall, I am feeling much more strong in so many ways
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Walsh Wanderings - Week 9 - readjusting the remaking
I think that I was failing to focus, and to live in what Dale Carnegie terms, day-tight compartments. I am doing so many things, and have three times more that I want to be doing. However, I have to remember that I can only do one thing at a time. Also, it's okay that my writing, reading, researching, sorting, eBaying, organizing, redecorating, renovating, socializing, and cleaning get fit in less than desired, or not at all. They need to be fit in around and after running, working, mothering, and eating properly.
The negative effects of not running already are setting in; I am fighting sickness, tiredness, restlessness, and grumpiness. Fortunately, I have not gained weight from this recklessness. However, mentally, emotionally, and physically, I feel less fit for sure.
I will take this lapse as another learning experience regarding the benefits of running, which again are realized in the negative by not running. Already this week, I have run twice (slow and steady) and feel reengergized. Being proactive than reactive once again prevails!
This lap of my remaking will be powered by the following recent Runner's World quote of the day by marathon winner Julie Isphording:
Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Walsh Wanderings - Week 8
I ended up only running once, on the treadmill. The almost 3.5 miles were fabulous. Though additional running didn't happen, I was active, with walks, bowling, tubing, and fresh air. Most importantly, my son took snowboarding lessons over the weekend, which was my chosen luxury. As a child, I didn't take many lessons, though I learned so much. I want my son to be exposed to as many activities as possible, and to learn some of them properly with instruction.
My food focus remained, and was incorporated nicely into a busy week.
So far this year, no two weeks have been the same, or even similar. Ultimately, this diversity is my chosen existence. However, it makes getting into a routine rather difficult.
Food Focus - Hearty Beef and Barley Soup
Above is the link to the McCormick recipe I used to incorporate the last of the 30 healthiest foods, barley. It was yummy! The penultimate food was lentils, which I ended up using as a side with spices and vegetables.
February was a success, having incorporated all of the selections from Real Simple's 30 healthiest foods list. Many of them now are regulars in my diet. Others will be Incorporated on a monthly basis.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Weekly Wanderings -- Week 7
I still have not incorporated the last 2 healthiest food selections -- barley and lentils. I will fit them in before month end. In the meantime, I am so satisfied with the many healthiest food selections that I have continued to incorporate.
My fit focus was absolutely awesome, with 4 fulfilling runs! Three of them were outside, and totally reenergizing. One run was at the gym, but was a success because I tracked the bit of speed I am rediscovering. Twice, I specifically recall thinking that I did not have time for a fun -- life was getting in the way. Instead of following those thoughts, I fortunately forced myself to fit me in.
Significantly, each day I was able to cross at least one item off my life list. Some items carry with them my inadequacies and insecurities. Crossing them off, therefore, brings such success.
Too much of my brain is bogged down with readjusting and refocusing which of my many roles holds the primary position. Part of this preoccupation derives from one of my exhusband's significant statements, which expressed his feelings that he was third after my job and my family. Though those words were spoken more than a decade ago, they still haunt me more or less.
This week, roles of mother, employee, and runner competed for the primary position. I am concerned about the roles that did not even make it to the tertiary position. Time will tell what will happen with those concerns.... For now, I will remind myself that I only can do my best, which will have to be enough.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Chosen luxury
So far I love this product, and could not be more pleased with my choice!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Weekly Wanderings - Week 6
Working the 30 healthiest foods list is providing a fun foundation for my food focus. I still have 2 selections to incorporate. The other 28 selections are fitting into my diet nicely. I am learning a lot and I do feel better! I enjoy food. At times, I really don't care what I eat. Making healthy choices, therefore, makes sense for me. Such choices may take a few more minutes to prepare, but they are well spent. I am worth it.
Deciding to limit my fit focus to running for now was smart. In keeping with what works, this decision will work for me currently. This week, I fit in 4 runs, each of which provided value. Monday's 1 hour run outside was absolutely awesome! The other runs were at the gym. My overall mileage still is much lower than I want it to be, but it is increasing nicely each week, currently at about 14 miles. At some point, I will have to reincorporate weights. Right now, however, I am realizing so many benefits from my runs (physically, emotionally, and mentally) so they will continue to receive my sole attentions.
Implementing my mantra -- choose luxury -- is working well for me. When I choose luxury, then I feel better about myself and more committed to being the best mom, employee, wife, daughter, family member, and friend that I can. I can define what luxury means to and for me. Each choice is mine!
My mind murmurs often migrate to figuring out what I want and what is going on "out there." Currently, so much attention is paid to extremes -- the best, the worst, the most, the least, the wackiest, and the most dramatic. I am done with extremes. I want to live in moderation, with a beneficial balance. Perhaps that's why one of my favorite television shows currently is Chopped. The prize is $10K, which is significant but not over the top. The participants are cooks, but not the best or worst ones. There's not too much time for too much drama, but the content is interesting and entertaining. I enjoy this Food Network show, and I often learn something from it -- an added bonus!
Chosen luxury
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Food Focus / Selections - Day 10 // chosen luxury bonus
Today's hecticness was worth it because it resulted in part to advancing a chosen luxury. I attended a free user group conference for the Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking sftware product. This software is a chosen luxury to help with my DIM Memories project. For so many reasons, I am pleased that I took time to attend this conference! Now I have to make time to use my Dragon regularly, which will advance my family and fun factors. -- Customer service success
Two days after talking with a customer service representative, I have a replacement leather kindle cover at no extra cost, and no aggravation, to me! Significantly, this cover is the one with the attached light, so I even made out better. I could not be more pleased with Amazon and my Kindle, both of which once again have brought a smile to my face!
Added to that simile were giggles when I read the cartoons in this week's The New Yorker, to which I have subscribed on my Kindle as a chosen luxury. Laugh today, check!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Food Focus / Selections - Day 9
Kiwi was tasty, but I did not love it alone. I will have to find something with which to pair it, starting with the Real Simple article's suggestion.
Bulgur is so interesting, and another item with which I have not worked. It is a fun find that I am looking forward to regularly incorporating into my selections.
In 9 days, I have not had white potatoes, white rice, or regular pasta, one of which I selected each day. I don't miss those selections, and am having fun with my new selections! What do you know, again I find fun in an unexpected location -- my kitchen.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Food Focus / Selections - day 8
I never have had chard before, so incorporating it was part of making this healthiest foods adventure a success. It ended up being a fun find!
One of the many things I am learning on this healthiest foods adventure is that making healthy choices is not too difficult or burdensome. Often, it takes time. However, it's not always too much time and it's worth it.
This adventure also has precipitated so many thoughts, such as: making choices; prioritizing; and what's easy is not always best.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekly Wanderings - week 5
On the fit front, I ran 3 times. Though I wanted more, what I got was wonderful. I could dwell on what I didn't get, but I choose to focus on what I got -- 3 renewing runs!
February primarily will concern food and fit focus factors. I have several activities planned with my extended family, and I nicely am in a routine of Sunday visits with my Mom. I made some changes to my finances. I will spend February seeing how they play out, and deciding what lies ahead. Goals for this month are taxes and FSA issues.
On the fun front, I am so pleased to have realized that fun for me fits in more often than I previously thought. For February, I don't feel that I need specifically to focus on fun. Rather, it will be a byproduct of my food and fit focuses!
Food Focus / selections - Day 7
Black beans were the new item. I do like these, but never remember to have them around/include them in daily selections. I actually cooked them for the first time. I made a big batch, and portioned them into Ziploc bags for ease of use later. Perhaps next time I will use canned, but it was an adventure to cook them!
Some selections are being repeated regularly. As it's been a week and though I am tracking my daily selections, I think that I will now only post about newly used selections. I still have pretty many that I need to include to reach my goal of using all 30 during February.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Food Focus /selections - Day 6
On the bright side, I totally enjoyed the pizza, cake, and ice cream. Tomorrow is another day, and it will be a better one on the food front.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Food Focus / selections - Day 5
Interestingly, I feel that my healthier selections sustained me throughout this busy Saturday. Typically, I search for snacks throughout days like today. Now, I can't help but wonder if that searching resulted from the types of foods I was eating.
I am learning from this food focus activity, and having fun! Making and preparing my selections is like a game, and I am always up for a good game.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Food / spice selections - Day 4
The ginger was a bit different because I used crystallized ginger! A fun find was pumpkin spread! I was trying to figure out how to incorporate pumpkin into my selections. While browsing through The Village Market, one of my chosen luxuries, I discovered pumpkin spread, which I did not know existed. It was a delicious accent to my dinner salad. Adding to the fun was putting the spread on a slice of the cheese bread loaf I got as a birthday treat from Seven Stars Bakery.
On the food front, this was a delightfully delicious day. For that, I am grateful, primarily because this day otherwise was quite challenging. I choose to focus on the positive. Enough said.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Food Focus / Selections / Day 3
Chosen luxury -- membership
At the beginning of this year, I treated myself to an membership because I don't always have time to read books in paper or Kindle format. In 2010, I developed my love of listening. The many podcasts I regularly listen to through iTunes are so fun! I also enjoyed the few audiobooks I listened to.
My audible membership is just over 1 month old, and I recently finsihed listening to my second book. I also love the extended New York Times audio that I receive (sometimes I want more than The Front Page podcast) because my paper subscription is limited to the Sunday edition. The interview with Kathryn Stockett was wonderful; The Help is waiting in my library for download.
My son also is having fun with this membership. He has all of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, which are a bit above his reading level. He reads some pages, and I read some pages to him. We downloaded one of the books from audible, and now he can listen on the iPod Touch while he reads along in the paper format!
The book I just finished is, The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep your Portfolio up (unabridged) by Peter D. Schiff. The review I wrote is entitled, I learned, therefore, I liked. This book was part of my finance focus. I am glad that I listened to this book because the extremely detailed parts may have resulted in my not getting to the end, which I enjoyed. Most importantly, I learned that the small role I play in my investments is sufficient. I don't think that I want to devote additional time and energy to my investment strategy.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Healthiest foods / super spices - Day 2
Actually, I discovered quinoa because I don't recall having had it before. I quite enjoyed this selection, and think that it could develop into a staple for me. It's simple, with a nice texture, and I think that it will take on the flavor of what is prepared with/added to it.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Weekly Wanderings -- week 4
Happily, the fit focus moved forward nicely. I worked out 4 times, 3 of which were runs. One of my runs was outside and was absolutely awesome. One run was very early in the morning because I knew it was the only time I could take for myself.
Chosen luxury -- time
Healthiest foods / super spices - day 1
Though this challenge is mine alone (for now at least), my son helped me by weighing the almonds and walnuts. He had fun with the food scale. Once he measured 1 ounce, I transferred the portion to a Ziploc snack bag. Now these selections are good to go.
Food Focus -- spices
black pepper
chili powder
garlic powder
red pepper
At the McCormick site, I found and printed a fun calendar listing what are termed super swaps. A link for my spice source is:
Spice Source / McCormick
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fabulous five focus factors
![]() |
Magical Moment |
I ran 3 miles outside before picking up cleaning for my mom and then watching my son’s soccer game, after which I had a date with my husband and son. We ice skated outside in the city, enjoyed a lovely dinner out (partaking in restaurant week), browsed and bought at Borders (using a discount coupon and borders bucks), and then I used my birthday coupon at Ann Taylor to get a lovely cashmere sweater for $44.88.
The absolute monumental moment was when my son and I were on the ice. I had to hold him pretty tightly because it was only his second time on skates. He asked me, “is this fun for you?” I easily responded that it was tons of fun for me because I was spending time with my son while he was learning something new. He smiled, and hugged me. That was it!!! I am grateful that I was able to be in such a good place that I was able to lavish in this luxury that cost all of $8.00 (for the skate rental because my son’s Feinstein Junior Scholar Club card covered the rink time).
Today's treats were chosen luxuries in that I had lots of work, chores, and errands to do (which of course I fit in earlier and will again turn my attention to later). Instead of laboring with those all day, however, I took time to reward myself.
What wonderful wanderings….
Walnuts | The 30 Healthiest Foods | Real Simple
Walnuts The 30 Healthiest Foods Real Simple
Friday, January 28, 2011
Chosen luxuries
chosen luxuries |
My mantra can’t have any negative connotation or aspect of deprivation or cutting back. That’s not to say that I don’t deprive myself and cut back everyday. Such often are the results of my choices. However, when deprivation and cutting back are the results of my choice, then I can accept them.
Making choices about luxuries necessarily includes prioritizing. I often make choices about luxuries based on my priorities. For example, last year, I chose a luxury vacation over a new car because my priority was to focus on getting away to relax and enjoy family fun. That choice proved to be one of the best ones that I made in 2010. Everyone enjoyed our time at The Balsams, from which we took so many memories, and my 2003 Jeep Liberty that has over 225,000 miles still is running just fine.
This picture displays a few of my favorite current luxury choices, specifically:
A new Starbucks mug
The New York Times Sunday edition,
with first focus on the Book Review section
My iPod touch
My Amazon Kindle
These items are the epitome of my mantra. I have chosen these luxuries with thoughtful care and enjoy them daily!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Mantra -- Choose Luxury
choose luxury.
Development of this mantra raises thoughts of past mantras. They certainly reflect where I am in my life.
Right now, choices are such a huge part of my life. I have to make so many choices, and I am trying to teach my son to make good choices. Also, I feel strongly that I need to pursue what works for me. Making choices is paramount to this personal pursuit.
The word luxury is proving to be a critical part of my mantra because it evokes a positive mental state, which is critical. I need luxuries in my life. The definition of luxury supports my decision to use this word in my mantra. Included in the Merriam-Webster definition is, “something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary” and “an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease.”
I am having buckets of fun developing my mantra!
Mind Murmur - notable quote
It's the one thing that's mine. My runs everyday are my thing. It's my therapy, my hour to myself. Nobody can really take it away from me... It's such a huge part of me. I love to say that I'm a runner.
Summer Sanders, Olympic gold-medalist in swimming
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Mind Murmur - parenting position
This week, I am contemplating two books in the context of my parenting position. I admit that I have not read either of these books, though I have added them both to my way too long reading list.
The first book is, Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle. I listened, in podcast form, to an interview Faith Middleton conducted with co-author Dan Senor. I found this to be extremely intriguing, particularly in light of just having finished listening to The Intelligent Entrepreneur.
The second book is, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. I do not intend to purchase this book out of principle, but perhaps I will borrow it from the library. In the meantime, I am enjoying my current exposure to it through Internet print and podcast listening, including one in which Amy Chua read an excerpt from her book. Today, my dog walk included listening to a podcast from The New Yorker during which this book was discussed in light of the parenting issues now being widely discussed. It makes me wonder what my parenting style is. I would not define myself as falling within the characteristics of either a Chinese or Western mother.
I strive to apply characteristics of those styles to my attempt at raising what one day will be an intelligent, confident, and successful man.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Weekly Wanderings - week 3
I am learning (for probably the tenth time) to live in the moment, focusing on what then is happening (rather than on the so many other things that I often feel I should be doing). Such focus included fitting in the five factors with success, and as follows:
Fit – I worked out 3 times. Though I wish I had fit in one more workout, I am comforted by the fact that the 3 I had were high quality, with no junk miles or wasted weights. My 2 runs were different (one outside and one at the gym), but each had such value! In addition to those workouts, my dog and I had many walks that provided pure pleasure. Our Sunday morning walk by the reservoir was so beautiful; the trees were coated in ice and the bright sun made them glisten! Thankfully, I was able to truly appreciate this sight.
Family – I began and ended the week with Mummy. I enjoyed my time with her and my son. Generally, our time together can be challenging. Right now, I know that because I am in a good place personally, I am able to be present for these two important people in my life, the 90 year-old and the 7 year-old. On Saturday, I joined 3 sisters and 2 sisters-in-law for a spa and lunch outing in celebration of my third sister’s 60th birthday. This outing was fun and fulfilling on so many levels. Having left my husband and son behind for much of the day, I focused on them for the remainder of the day. Everyone got a bit of what they wanted, and, therefore, the day overall was a success! Dinner ended up being pizza that we brought in so that we would have time to make cookies. So many things include giving and taking, and finding a balance that works.
Fun -- The realization that fun does not have to mean what it did in the past is huge. I am finding I have fun in ways that I did not previously define as fun events/activities. During this week, I had tons of fun with my son after supper when we sat together and worked on activity pages from workbooks that I have been moving from one location to another for too long. Being productive in my work and home organizing has brought pleasure to me so I am thinking that such productivity is fun for me. In the end, remaking what fun means to me and looks like for me is proving to be invaluable.
Finance - My stocks are holding their own. I completed 2 months of ownership with an overall 8.5% gain. That is encouraging. Presently, as the dust still settles from year-end expenditures, I am trying simply not to spend money, which actually is going well.
Food – Dinnertime was relaxing and enjoyable, which made it fun for me. My son ate quite well without complaints. Generally, the menu was basic. On Friday (knowing that I was going to be gone most of the next day) I made a fancier dinner than usual. We ate our steak and shrimp leisurely, while the candles burned and Zac Brown Band played in the background.
Because this week was busy, and I wasn’t able to work within the schedule that I had set, I ended up making some poor snack selections. I will learn from that, taking more time this week to make smarter snack selections.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Faith Middleton Show | Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network
The Faith Middleton Show | Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mind Murmur - focus factor frenzy
My entry began with an indication that food is one of my five focus factors for 2011. I then wrote something similar to,
I am always looking for ways to keep food fun for my family while helping me to get more fit with minimal negative impact on my finances.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Daily dose of doing
I fit me in for a favorite activity – running outside. Typically, once I am out on the road I get lost in myself. This time I ended up running a fabulous five miles. I wasn’t fast, but that doesn’t matter, which is just one benefit of running for pleasure rather than for training. My iPod accompanied me with a selection of fun and motivating songs. My thoughts easily fit in and flowed, practically propelling me along one of my routine routes that has been calling me of late.
My run gave me energy and strength, which I ended up needing to deal with my husband, who had a difficult day. Several issues arose for him that I think were more of a big deal based on his work status. I feel that we calmly got through the day, or at least I did anyway. For that, I am grateful.
I productively proceeded through my work day, plugging along through so many open items and getting things done!
The food factor fit in nicely, with a pork loin dinner. My Son ate quite a bit, which always makes me feel successful! The pork was easily seasoned with McCormick’s pork rub spice mix. This was not extravagant, but was a yummy manageable meal that made family time fabulous.
My stocks took a beating today, so the finance factor was not as much of a high as other factors. However, I didn’t spend any money, so I will take that as a positive in the finance factor column.
I have a bit more work before I’m done for the day, but presently I will focus on the fun factor, watching Top Chef and flipping through some apps on my iPod Touch. Also, I have to fit in my requisite few minutes with my new toy, my Kindle. How fun is it that Anthony Bourdain is on Top Chef and on my Kindle with Kitchen Confidential?
Mind Murmur
Let us, then, be up and doing
with a heart for any fate;
still achieving, still pursuing,
learn to labor and to wait.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Weekly Wanderings - week 2
Fun – we played in the snow!
Fit – I worked out 3 times. Sunday’s run on the treadmill at the gym was much better than expected, and a fine lesson in feeling better after fitting me in.
Finance – nothing new here, just way too busy with my job, the source of revenue.
Food – family meal time worked well, and the weekend included new dishes of turkey and meatballs (I am trying to make meatballs as good as Subway’s, currently my Son’s favorite).
Family – I met 3 sisters and 1 sister-in-law for dinner to celebrate the latter’s birthday. This family time reminded me of the foundation that my family provides. Currently, I am busy focusing on what needs to be done to get through the days and weeks, sometimes in a vacuum. Being with family helps me to put things in perspective as to how far I have come. I was reminded that my family is a great source of strength. Family time also included an overnight with my Son at my Mom’s house. This time was quite special. Though my Mom’s and my roles often are reversed, saying goodnight at bedtime reminded me that I am her daughter, the baby of her 8 children.
Finally on the family front (and well within the fun factor), I have set up a space to resume my letter project. Nuance’s Dragon Naturally Speaking is an invaluable part of this project! It is so simple! The letter I transcribed on Sunday is dated January 31, 1944 (20 years to the day before I was born). My serviceman Dad was updating my Mom from “somewhere in Italy.” I even developed at least a working title for this book project. For now, it will be, DIM Memories, letters that shaped a family. As part of this project, I also purchased from Amazon and started to read, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, A Portrait in Letters of an American Visionary, Edited by Steven R. Weisman.
My thoughts are running wild, and I have so much to write. However, there's also so much to do. At times, I am better at doing than at thinking and writing. Now may be one of those times. I need to embrace that feeling and run with it (literally and figuratively). Doing results in my being productive, which provides me with pure pleasure!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
cards / what fun!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Blog2print / SharedBook -- Working the plan
After minimal investigation, I found Blog2print / SharedBook. After inserting a bit of information, I ordered a paper copy of my 2010 posts. Today, after hardly any time, my journal arrived. I love it! It's beautiful, and makes my musings magical. While I wish this book were bigger, I am glad to have it at all. It's a small step toward what I know will be much more....
Weekly Wanderings - Week 1
The five focus factors' details are being developed. I am pleased that the factors overlap and compliment each other because that will make executing them easier.
I am fitting me in because I am worth it!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The 10 Rules
Just completed The Intelligent Entrepreneur by Bill Murphy, Jr. in audiobook form from
This book is interesting, informative, and inspiring, leaving me with so much to think about.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Fun Focus
Fun has been included in the factors on which to focus because I associate laughter with fun, and I do know the importance of laughter in a healthy and complete life. Also, I tend to be much too serious, uptight, and demanding of myself and others. I need to lighten up, and will do so if I focus on making and taking time to have fun.
Parts of Webster’s definition of fun are: providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment; to indulge in banter or play; a mood for finding or making enjoyment; and action or speech that provides amusement or enjoyment.
I so enjoy learning, so it will be included in my fun factor. I derive huge pleasure from spending time with my son, and I am thoroughly amused by his antics, so this time too will be included in my fun. Actually, I must say that I enjoy running. Wow, it too then can fall within the fun factor! Yes, another benefit of running!
For the next little while, perhaps thorough the end of this month, I will keep better track of times that I enjoy as a basis for moving forward with the fun factor.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Facile Fragments
My current approach involves turning hot herb tea into iced tea. I put it into a lovely pitcher that brings me pleasure. Then, I chill it through the morning, when I am enjoying my Starbucks fix. At lunch, I bring the pitcher and a large glass filled with ice to my desk. For the next however long it takes, I enjoy the flavorful tea!
This approach has easily facilitated the success of a fragment falling within the food and fit factors. For example, I end up eating less and feeling hydrated!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Fit Focus
It is realistic to think about being fit, rather than about losing a certain number of pounds. For almost every year for as long as I can remember, losing weight has been a resolution of mine. Currently, thinking specifically about a number of pounds that I need to shed would almost certainly be setting me up for failure.
Aiming to exercise and eat healthfully, which will result in fitness, are better focuses for me. Also, following a particular diet will not work for me. As someone who successfully (30 pounds in 3 months) and unsuccessfully (virtually no pounds in about 2 months) followed Weight Watchers, I know what success would involve and I am not willing to do it right now.
For now, eating well is workable. Regular exercise is workable. It will produce fitness, and it provides physical and mental benefits. I also enjoy it. In fact, for me, it overlaps with the fun factor about which more will be written another day.
Running still is the best thing that I do for myself. I have been going to the gym also, but I prefer running outside. I did it today, and the 4+ miles were awesome!
My goal is to fit in a flexible schedule. Currently, I am fitting in exercise about 3 times each week. I would love to increase it to 4 or 5, but.... I have been running, weight training, and even walking on the treadmill with a significant incline. The varied routine currently is realistic and fits with my thought that anything is better than nothing. Making the time to exercise at all is more important than the exact details of the exercise.
Right now, fitting in my fit focus is sufficient.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Amazon Answer
I do not enjoy shopping, but I do enjoy having things. Typically, I know what I want and I don't want to wait and/or search for it. I often have fantasized about having a personal shopper. For now, Amazon will do. The Amazon awesomeness revealed itself to me several times just this week. I had to return something from Christmas. That was done so simply!!! Also, to complete a collection of frames, I needed a particular one. The color, size, and material had to match the collection. After just a few clicks, the order was placed. Then, a few days later, the frame arrived. Now the project is done with little stress and big satisfaction!
Amazon also fuels my need for knowledge and entertainment. This week's fuel is provided by my new Kindle and my new membership to Through a Kindle book, knowledge flows in at night to help relax after a busy day. During a workout at the gym or a walk with the dog, I am entertained by listening to the NYTimes or a book that I know I will not have time to actually read.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Family Focus
Within the family focus is my desire to transcribe the many letters that my Dad wrote to my Mom during the 1940s, primarily when he was overseas in the Service for 2 years before their more than 50 year marriage began in August, 1944. I have read many of these letters, and have transcribed some. I want to spend more time on this project, which provides layers to the family foundation and historic perspective. For example, I loved reading a letter that talks about Jack Benny's performance and then finding the photograph my Dad took of that performance.
This project actually falls within both the family focus and the fun focus factors based on the huge pleasure this project provides. After all, within the Marriam-Webster definition of fun is, "what derives amusement or enjoyment." I want to make a plan for moving forward with this project. I need to fit it in! I will, with even small steps.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Finance Focus
Five weeks ago, 10 weeks before turning 47, I purchased stock for the first time. I do have a 401K and a rollover IRA, but I am not very involved in them. I have wanted to be more proactive. Also, I get sick over thinking that checking and savings accounts are not places to store money. Finally, buying stock would be another way to teach my Son about money. He regularly checks the Stocks App on our iPod Touch.
Traditionally, I don't act without gathering what I consider to be sufficient information. However, as with so much these days, information is too abundant. Often, I end up taking no action at all.
Knowing that I had to move from my stock paralysis, I used a bit of money and bought a number of different stocks. I am learning a ton and having a blast! I also have great satisfaction in knowing that as of today, I am realizing a 7% return.
Food Focus
At times, I get caught up searching for, and organizing, recipes. I have more food apps on my iPod touch than I ever could use effectively. My recipe books are close at hand for quick reference, and I have several sorting systems (binders and index card boxes) in place for the odd recipes that catch my attention in newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet. These provide such comfort to me. However, I realize over and over again that any system I have set up is only as good as my ability to use it. Also, I am drawn back to the idea that I have to simply use what works for me.
This and last night are good examples of using what works and minimizing the number of resources. Two new resources for me are McCormick and Last night, I made an easy turkey meatloaf according to a McCormick package. Tonight, I used an recipe that lives up to its promise of being an easy chicken parmesan.
More complex dishes end up being prepared less frequently, particularly because I have a full time job and the palate of my regular audience leaves a lot to be desired.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The prominence of running
test email post
Saturday, January 1, 2011
fulfilling five focus factors
family - spent time with Mum
fun - played Wii with my son
food - browsed The Essential New York Times Cook Book I recently received from Amazon
finance - downloaded The Intelligent Entrepreneur to my new account
New Year's Day -- five focus factors
This focus necessarily requires fitting me in. It's not about me only, but it must include me. Including me encompasses fitting in my needs and wants. If they are even taken into consideration, then I will be a better woman, mom, wife, daughter, sister, employee, just a few of the hats I wear.
If each day could include my five focus factors, then it will be a delightful day.