Life is a challenge....
I only hope that the result of tough times with my son will be that I have grown a well-rounded man. Today, we had to deal with snow difficulties. He did well, but had a few meltdowns. Getting to his snowboard camp took time -- time to shovel out, time to drive carefully, time to arrange for the proper tickets and equipment, time to hook up with an instructor, etc.
Taking the proper time proved to be a challenge.... I know he was excited, but....
Now, I have to hope that he has a great day. I know he's better off without me during this adventure, but I do worry so....
If I take time now to get things done, then our together time later today will be much more fun.
Back to basics....
My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.
Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.
Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Day 25 - the last of the advent calendar
Three little rubber animals sat in the box to say hello to their new owner and to help say goodbye to the advent calendar for another year. What fun it was....
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Collecting experiences, rather than stuff...
I am a collector at heart. For now, though, I am trying to collect experiences, rather than stuff. To that end, today (though I still have lots to do to get ready for Christmas), I took my Son skating. It was fun! Afterward, we got frozen yogurt and then had dinner at home. Finally, we watched Christmas With The Kranks. I never say that movie before, and I so infrequently sit and watch a movie. It was also a chance to read Sunday's New York Times before the start of what promises to be a totally hectic week.
Prior to my mother/son time, I did get things done for my Mom -- after all, what would a Sunday be without my "sandwich," the generational one, that is....
Prior to my mother/son time, I did get things done for my Mom -- after all, what would a Sunday be without my "sandwich," the generational one, that is....
Day 23
Okay, enough with the Japanese erasers.... But how could I resist the emergency response package? He opened and played with it a bit. What more could I ask for?
Saturday, December 22, 2012
22nd day of advenet calendar
Creativity, as well as my stash, is running low. A few dollar bills did the trick today.... A gift a day can be a challenge. Perhaps next year a new approach will be in order....
Friday, December 21, 2012
Advent calendar 21st day
Interesting and different playing cards that we both enjoy, though he is more interested in the dragon picture than I.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Getting ready for a new year....
I already am starting to think, and get excited, about 2013. Beginning to prioritize is exhilarating. Today, I was drawn to Robert Frost's Poem, Into My Own. This poem has sporadically found its way into my thoughts. To me, it symbolizes new adventures and different directions. I am running away, running toward, and sometimes just running. Despite adjustments and changes, I do not change at my core, but "[o]nly more sure of all I thought was true."
2013 will be lean and mean, with time to wean, glean, and preen....
2013 will be lean and mean, with time to wean, glean, and preen....
Another gift...
Squinkies were all over.... A few we're behind the door in the box, and then others made a bit of a path elsewhere, and then ended up in a storage basket, their new home. The excitement was minimal.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Advent calendar -day 17
A note told him to look where the chalk is stored. He hardly hesitated, heading straight to the hiding place. He retrieves the miniature Moleskine notebooks and says, "thanks." I like when we like the same things....
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Day 16
Miniature package of clay that still did not fit, though it nicely sat on top of the opened door. The day was so busy that the clay remains unused. A weekend filled with such mixed emotions now is coming to a close. What will the week bring?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day 15
Another Japanese eraser.... Also, a note indicating that he could get a song, app, or book on his Kindle Fire. He chose a book that we now will read together.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Day 14
The toy truck fit nicely in the box. My Son thought it was "okay." He's so smart; he learned not to negatively comment. He used it for a few minutes today....
This morning, I was thinking that my word of the day was going to be blessings, a word highlighted on my holiday card. Then, I listened to a Fresh Air podcast during which the song Count Your Blessings was sung. Then, I felt blessed to be partaking in my Company's holiday luncheon. Then, the horrible events in Newtown, CT unfolded and I felt even more blessed. Then, traffic turned my 2 1/2 hour commute into 3 3/4 hours. However, I was safe, as was my 3rd grade Son, who called me when he arrived home after a great day at school and a great piano lesson.
After I long day, I still have lots to do. However, my Son just told me that he wanted to sit on my lap because it's warm. How could I refuse such a simple request on this sad day? Particularly when he wanted to watch a Christmas song video of The Piano Guys on YouTube?
I am blessed, and I will remember that. My thoughts and prayers are with the Newtown families who lost so much today.
After I long day, I still have lots to do. However, my Son just told me that he wanted to sit on my lap because it's warm. How could I refuse such a simple request on this sad day? Particularly when he wanted to watch a Christmas song video of The Piano Guys on YouTube?
I am blessed, and I will remember that. My thoughts and prayers are with the Newtown families who lost so much today.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 13
No reaction to today's treat. However, watching him figure out the treat's location was a treat for me! The note in the box read, "2 Santas and 2 snowmen are holding your treat." The miniature book of mazes was tucked behind the full Santa on one of the wing chairs. Upon reading the note, his face displayed that he was in thinking mode. He asked if it was on the tree. I said no and he thought, looked around, and thought again. He then went straight for the chair where he found the treat. Okay, that activity was done and it was on to breakfast.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Repeat performance - day 12
More Japanese erasers.... Instead of one, however, this treat was a package that hung from the door's handle. How could I resist the school supplies assortment? My Son and I are school/office supply junkies, so this was perfect. He actually opened the package, and was talking about which one was his favorite, the roll of tape so far. Animated reaction=success!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas decorations - day 2
At this rate, I may have enough decorations displayed by Christmas.
As far as the tree, it is not perfect, but it is festive. I think back on all of the years that my tree was so important. Not so much now.... My Son wanted more lights, so today we added 200.
One of my favorite parts of unpacking the decorations is enjoying the Santa pictures. This year, I think they will adorn the corner cabinet. This display is an example of "done is good." The frames don't match and aren't high quality, but I have one for every year of my Son's life. I am grateful that I have made sure to have a picture taken each year...
As far as the tree, it is not perfect, but it is festive. I think back on all of the years that my tree was so important. Not so much now.... My Son wanted more lights, so today we added 200.
One of my favorite parts of unpacking the decorations is enjoying the Santa pictures. This year, I think they will adorn the corner cabinet. This display is an example of "done is good." The frames don't match and aren't high quality, but I have one for every year of my Son's life. I am grateful that I have made sure to have a picture taken each year...
Monday, December 10, 2012
Advent calendar - day 10
Fun and retro? The note asked, "did you decorate the tree?" The mini etch a sketch was having on the tree. He seems to like it.... He was showing me how to use it. Little does he know that I used these for many hours as a kid. I was one of the ones who had to "color in" / erase the whole screen to see the inside workings.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sandwich Saturday
This picture isn't great, but it captures today. I took my Son and Mom to a RIHS event celebrating Christmas in the 1940s. It was not difficult at times, but it worked out well. Being out and about with my Mom reminded me that she is slowing down more.
Overall, the event fulfilled my expectations. Dinner back home was wonderful. I had set up the crock pot earlier today, so completing dinner was simple. Though my Mom doesn't chat much these days, it was nice having her here.
Driving Mom back and forth wasn't so bad with my new car, Audible on Blue tooth, and Says You on NPR.
My desire to collect more experiences than stuff was met today!
Overall, the event fulfilled my expectations. Dinner back home was wonderful. I had set up the crock pot earlier today, so completing dinner was simple. Though my Mom doesn't chat much these days, it was nice having her here.
Driving Mom back and forth wasn't so bad with my new car, Audible on Blue tooth, and Says You on NPR.
My desire to collect more experiences than stuff was met today!
Advent calendar - day 7
This day included a bit of a hunt in that the box contained a clue, "want to watch a movie?" That sent him to the drawer with all of the movies where there was a bag. The gift was a building set (miniature blocks) of Nanoblock to construct a grand piano. This gift was in honor of my Son's piano recital that night. Time will tell whether he or I build the piano....
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Fun finds....
My Son and I are glad to welcome the newest Starbucks teddy bear into our home. I am not sure who's enjoying these collectibles more, him or me. It's fun to find something that we both enjoy!
Advent calendar - day 5
The retro puzzle game was met with mixed emotions. Tough times on the gift-giving front...
Meanwhile, this week is very hectic, with lots of time away from home. The best thing about such craziness is that it reminds me how much I like otherwise uneventful times. A day at home would be welcomed, be alas not quite yet ....
Meanwhile, this week is very hectic, with lots of time away from home. The best thing about such craziness is that it reminds me how much I like otherwise uneventful times. A day at home would be welcomed, be alas not quite yet ....
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 4
This treat was fun for the giver because the miniature deck of cards so nicely fit in the provided box! The recipient was mildly impressed ....
Monday, December 3, 2012
Advent calendar - day 3
Multi-colored pen that sort of fit in the box was met with approval. Burn out is trying to take me. I need to resist....
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Advent calendar advancement
Today's treat was received with a bit more enthusiasm; it sure is difficult to please an 8 year-old. With today's gift, perhaps I will be able to find a charger when I need it.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Season's Greetings - Advent Calendar
Today starts another season with my LL Bean advent calendar that I have had since 1990. It has been through a lot with me. Even opening the original box stirs memories. It was shipped to my Mom at the family home in which she no longer lives. The box includes a mover's numbered sticker from when I left Connecticut for Rhode Island.
This collectible was used with others, and then not even unpacked when I was alone. My Son has been so anticipating the start of this year's treats. However, the first treat, Inventors playing cards, did not impress. Of course, they did not fit in the too small box, so it included only a word puzzle as to the treat's location. Sometimes, figuring out where the treat is provides as much pleasure as the treat itself. Today was one of those days....

This collectible was used with others, and then not even unpacked when I was alone. My Son has been so anticipating the start of this year's treats. However, the first treat, Inventors playing cards, did not impress. Of course, they did not fit in the too small box, so it included only a word puzzle as to the treat's location. Sometimes, figuring out where the treat is provides as much pleasure as the treat itself. Today was one of those days....

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Mind murmur
I spent 1 hour at the gym, and still got done what needed to be done. Why can't I do that on a more regular basis? I am a better everything tonight....
Add the positive, and remove the negative. The positive pushes me forward; the negative nails me down.
Add the positive, and remove the negative. The positive pushes me forward; the negative nails me down.
Readjusting again....
November has been such a hectic month. I can't decide how successful it has been, but there's little time left for further evaluation. I have to readjust in so many ways, most significantly in my exercise routine. In fact, since my half marathon, there's been no routine. I am ready for one again; I miss it, which is a great first step.
My thoughts are with possible weight loss and strength training, with running playing less of a role. If I shed a few pounds and add a bit of muscle, then I will feel and look better. Also, my running will benefit.
Part of the current problem is that I am not sufficiently making and taking time for me. That will change. After all, changing, readjusting, and remaking is what it's all about....
My thoughts are with possible weight loss and strength training, with running playing less of a role. If I shed a few pounds and add a bit of muscle, then I will feel and look better. Also, my running will benefit.
Part of the current problem is that I am not sufficiently making and taking time for me. That will change. After all, changing, readjusting, and remaking is what it's all about....
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
November 21
Sixteen years ago today was what ended up being the last birthday my Dad had before his death. It was bittersweet, as so much had been....
I told him that his sister died on that day, which was hard; another sister had died only 5 months before, and Dad knew that his death was not far away. Also, Win was in Louisville, KY.
I told my Dad that I accepted a job in Connecticut. Following 5 months at home with him (having sold my house, quit my job, and getting a divorce in one week's time), I would be easing into a new life. He said he was glad to know that things were coming together for me; he said it was a great gift.
That day was difficult, but I remain grateful for it and so many others that I shared with my Dad, my DIM memories....
I told him that his sister died on that day, which was hard; another sister had died only 5 months before, and Dad knew that his death was not far away. Also, Win was in Louisville, KY.
I told my Dad that I accepted a job in Connecticut. Following 5 months at home with him (having sold my house, quit my job, and getting a divorce in one week's time), I would be easing into a new life. He said he was glad to know that things were coming together for me; he said it was a great gift.
That day was difficult, but I remain grateful for it and so many others that I shared with my Dad, my DIM memories....
I just spent time drafting a "go with it" post, but when I added the photos I lost the text....
Anyway, those thoughts will have to remain in my head with way too many other things. Suffice it to say that I am most certainly a doer. New car. Done. My Jeep had 258,601 miles, and my Subaru has 41 miles. I took my Jeep home on home on December 19, 2002. I took my Subaru home on November 19, 2012.
What adventures are yet to be?
Anyway, those thoughts will have to remain in my head with way too many other things. Suffice it to say that I am most certainly a doer. New car. Done. My Jeep had 258,601 miles, and my Subaru has 41 miles. I took my Jeep home on home on December 19, 2002. I took my Subaru home on November 19, 2012.
What adventures are yet to be?
Monday, November 12, 2012
Race success
I thought I could, I thought I could, says my motivator (the Little Blue Engine) and me. The race was fun and tough.
I am still processing the process, but for now I am simply soaking in a successful completion.
Sharing your intended time is tough, particularly when you miss it. My Son said that I didn't run fast enough. I hope that he will remember the learning moment that followed.
I am still processing the process, but for now I am simply soaking in a successful completion.
Sharing your intended time is tough, particularly when you miss it. My Son said that I didn't run fast enough. I hope that he will remember the learning moment that followed.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Resting and remembering
This rest time allows time to remember.
Ten years ago today, I woke up in an Inn in Rhode Island with my Mother. It was my wedding day, and I was ready.
Today, I woke up in a hotel in New Hampshire with my Son. It is the day before my half marathon. The fun details filled today - number pick-up, scoping out the starting line, and driving the race route. More rest tonight....
Ten years ago today, I woke up in an Inn in Rhode Island with my Mother. It was my wedding day, and I was ready.
Today, I woke up in a hotel in New Hampshire with my Son. It is the day before my half marathon. The fun details filled today - number pick-up, scoping out the starting line, and driving the race route. More rest tonight....
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Last lap
Three days from today, my race will be run.
Today, I had my last workout, which included 1 mile at 8:46. Though I wasn't sure how that would go, it did! Another marvelous mile. Interestingly, when I ran slower before and after that mile, I felt like I was running too slowly.
Physically, my training is done. In this regard, I only need to make sure that I rest. After 12 weeks of training, I have earned these three nights of quiet time. In fact, this time is as important as some of my runs.
I have to pack and travel, but I have to rest.
One challenge on race day will be trusting my training. I have to remember that I can run fast enough - I am strong.
So, physical training is behind me. Mental and emotional training remain. I will enjoy this. After all, that's what it's all about!
Today, I had my last workout, which included 1 mile at 8:46. Though I wasn't sure how that would go, it did! Another marvelous mile. Interestingly, when I ran slower before and after that mile, I felt like I was running too slowly.
Physically, my training is done. In this regard, I only need to make sure that I rest. After 12 weeks of training, I have earned these three nights of quiet time. In fact, this time is as important as some of my runs.
I have to pack and travel, but I have to rest.
One challenge on race day will be trusting my training. I have to remember that I can run fast enough - I am strong.
So, physical training is behind me. Mental and emotional training remain. I will enjoy this. After all, that's what it's all about!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Preparation pondering
During the taper time, I love pondering my preparation, for which I have time with reduced training time.
My schedules went from empty to full, and evidence my commitment.
I have done as instructed and I am ready. Yesterday's run was awesome, and today's rest leaves time for gathering what I need for race weekend! This is exciting and energizing!
My schedules went from empty to full, and evidence my commitment.
I have done as instructed and I am ready. Yesterday's run was awesome, and today's rest leaves time for gathering what I need for race weekend! This is exciting and energizing!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Taper time....
It's taper week! My 5th half marathon is this Sunday! My last long run was wonderful! I am ready for this adventure! Lots of details remain, but that's okay. My training has been terrific and I am so looking forward to realizing the benefits, though many of them are with me already!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Mind murmur - option, choice, support, focus...
I feel strongly about choices, but some choices are not to be had. Significantly, I have no choice but to stay strong. Falling apart is not an option. I can't opt out of certain craziness. But wait, I guess that too is a choice. Oops.... Alas, I actually am choosing to stay strong.
Sometimes, being strong takes so much energy, which can me limited and minimal. Finding the energy to stay strong is worth it when I look into my Son's eyes, or think about my accomplishments.
Perhaps the problem is that I need more support, but what would that look like and from where would it come? Wow, the focus needs to be tweaked....
Sometimes, being strong takes so much energy, which can me limited and minimal. Finding the energy to stay strong is worth it when I look into my Son's eyes, or think about my accomplishments.
Perhaps the problem is that I need more support, but what would that look like and from where would it come? Wow, the focus needs to be tweaked....
Monday, October 29, 2012
Times change
In the past, the Saturday before Halloween meant drinking at a Halloween costume party. This year, we watched our DVR'd Halloween Wars with our Crayola Crayons and coloring books....
Classic Connor
What do they say, out of the mouths of babes? My 8 year-old Son said,
It might look like we don't have a lot, but we really do. For example, right here we probably have about 50 dollars worth of dry erase markers, which is cool. And look at all these books....
If that's what makes you feel prosperous....
You never know what they might say; it's important to be there for whatever comes out.
It might look like we don't have a lot, but we really do. For example, right here we probably have about 50 dollars worth of dry erase markers, which is cool. And look at all these books....
If that's what makes you feel prosperous....
You never know what they might say; it's important to be there for whatever comes out.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Busy is best
Things have been crazy busy, and that is for the best!
I am selling again on ebay, as hemwcollects. I enjoy this so much for so many reasons, but I can't often enough find time. I am making time now, and having fun!
Work and my Son are challenging and rewarding, but leave me with little time for other interests. I have been thinking a lot about the work life integration idea, with which I am intrigued. As I tweeted recently, my balance was never very good, so the idea of integration makes infinite sense.
My half marathon training is progressing perfectly! I am 10 weeks into my SmartCoach program, and have followed the schedule fabulously. I am getting stronger! Two more weeks until the race, and I will be ready!
Between my Kindle, Audible, and print books, I am getting through more books this year than during so many years past. And what fun I am having!!! Part of my plan is to escape, enjoy, and enrich. However, I also want to instill in my Son a love for reading - I did so little of it as a child, and I had lots of catching up to do as my schooling progressed. I want him to have an advantage over me in that regard. So far, I am succeeding....
Alas, I am finding time for my new Moleskine notebook that is connected to Evernote, a most fantastic find. While browsing around Evernote, I saw a rference to the book, Total Recall. I bought it easily from Amazon, and I am totally enthralled by the possibilities.
There's not much time for my way too many other interests, but.... For now, it's okay....
I am selling again on ebay, as hemwcollects. I enjoy this so much for so many reasons, but I can't often enough find time. I am making time now, and having fun!
Work and my Son are challenging and rewarding, but leave me with little time for other interests. I have been thinking a lot about the work life integration idea, with which I am intrigued. As I tweeted recently, my balance was never very good, so the idea of integration makes infinite sense.
My half marathon training is progressing perfectly! I am 10 weeks into my SmartCoach program, and have followed the schedule fabulously. I am getting stronger! Two more weeks until the race, and I will be ready!
Between my Kindle, Audible, and print books, I am getting through more books this year than during so many years past. And what fun I am having!!! Part of my plan is to escape, enjoy, and enrich. However, I also want to instill in my Son a love for reading - I did so little of it as a child, and I had lots of catching up to do as my schooling progressed. I want him to have an advantage over me in that regard. So far, I am succeeding....
Alas, I am finding time for my new Moleskine notebook that is connected to Evernote, a most fantastic find. While browsing around Evernote, I saw a rference to the book, Total Recall. I bought it easily from Amazon, and I am totally enthralled by the possibilities.
There's not much time for my way too many other interests, but.... For now, it's okay....
Friday, October 12, 2012
Choices are the key to....
well, everything really.
How time is spent depends upon choices made. The beauty of choices is that they are not one-size-fits-all. Choices adapt to different people, circumstances, and emotions. What I choose to do today might seem crazy to someone else, or even to my yesterday or tomorrow self. However, when it's my choice and its made for my reasons, then it's a right choice.
This realization is presenting itself more significantly to me because I have way too many obligations and interests. I am quite competent, but I think that I choose not to do it all, to have it all, and to be there for the taking.
I am going to get back to choosing what works for, and matters to, me. I think I will start by figuring out how I can get help cleaning my house. I choose not to dust.
How time is spent depends upon choices made. The beauty of choices is that they are not one-size-fits-all. Choices adapt to different people, circumstances, and emotions. What I choose to do today might seem crazy to someone else, or even to my yesterday or tomorrow self. However, when it's my choice and its made for my reasons, then it's a right choice.
This realization is presenting itself more significantly to me because I have way too many obligations and interests. I am quite competent, but I think that I choose not to do it all, to have it all, and to be there for the taking.
I am going to get back to choosing what works for, and matters to, me. I think I will start by figuring out how I can get help cleaning my house. I choose not to dust.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
One month to another milestone
On one month from today, I will run my next half marathon, and mark another milestone in my life. Deciding to run this race happened by chance; circumstances simply fell into place. I am glad they did because my training is transforming me again.
As it ends up, this race, just like my marathon, also will mark another milestone. I ran Boston to celebrate my 35th birthday. I will run this race the day after my 10th wedding anniversary. I am grateful to reach this significant anniversary with my second husband, the father of my Son, and my partner. I am also grateful that I will be honoring this anniversary by running to a happier and healthier me.
I am training for my half marathon with SmartCoach. This is a new approach, and it is working out so well! I feel stronger in my running, and I feel better able to deal with the craziness that is my life as a Mom with a full-time job, and tons of obligations and interests. Accomplishing a day's scheduled run makes me feel like I can accomplish so much more in other parts of my life. I am more productive and have more energy. I am prioritizing; what's ending up on the top of the list matters, and, well, everything else....
As it ends up, this race, just like my marathon, also will mark another milestone. I ran Boston to celebrate my 35th birthday. I will run this race the day after my 10th wedding anniversary. I am grateful to reach this significant anniversary with my second husband, the father of my Son, and my partner. I am also grateful that I will be honoring this anniversary by running to a happier and healthier me.
I am training for my half marathon with SmartCoach. This is a new approach, and it is working out so well! I feel stronger in my running, and I feel better able to deal with the craziness that is my life as a Mom with a full-time job, and tons of obligations and interests. Accomplishing a day's scheduled run makes me feel like I can accomplish so much more in other parts of my life. I am more productive and have more energy. I am prioritizing; what's ending up on the top of the list matters, and, well, everything else....
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Word of the day - trails
Words tend to crop up during a day, and define it. Today's word was trail. We make a trail, we follow a trail, and sometimes we trail behind.
At various times today, the word trail presented itself in my thoughts, reading, and actions. These recurrences are intriguing and telling.
A full life is a busy life. However, it's crucial to take time -- to think, to rest, and to love life in all its craziness....
I will make and take new trails....
At various times today, the word trail presented itself in my thoughts, reading, and actions. These recurrences are intriguing and telling.
A full life is a busy life. However, it's crucial to take time -- to think, to rest, and to love life in all its craziness....
I will make and take new trails....
Thursday, October 4, 2012
mind murmur - still too sensitive
Nothing like a snide and sarcastic comment to totally mess things up....
I resent always having to be "on." If I'm not, however, I inevitably find that an innocent comment or remark is taken the wrong way and thrown right back into my face. That's not right, particularly from one who conveys such righteousness.
If I weren't so sensitive, such interactions would not hurt so much....
Rather than dwell even longer in a place that has past and where I have no control, I will, in others' wise words, move -- onward and upward.
I resent always having to be "on." If I'm not, however, I inevitably find that an innocent comment or remark is taken the wrong way and thrown right back into my face. That's not right, particularly from one who conveys such righteousness.
If I weren't so sensitive, such interactions would not hurt so much....
Rather than dwell even longer in a place that has past and where I have no control, I will, in others' wise words, move -- onward and upward.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tempo tremendous....
Once again, I was super surprised with today's tempo run. The middle 2 miles were scheduled to be at a 9:32 pace. What.... Prior tempo and speed runs have been on the treadmill or at the track. However, today I felt like I needed an outdoor run on the road. But how was I going to go so fast? Well, I would take my chances....
The first mile was at an 11:24 pace, which was just fine. Then, I tried to run faster. Well, I clocked the next mile at 9:54 and the next at 9:50. That put me only 40 seconds off the goal time, which is just fine with me, particularly given the real road conditions. I am not sure how I did that, but I happily rejoice in my success!
Feeling a faster pace is quite difficult, but even running leisurely is faster than it had been before I started with SmartCoach. With my 1/2 marathon 5 1/2 weeks away, I am going to focus on feeling the pace. That focus is realistic because I don't have to focus on what to do when -- SmartCoach has taken care of that.
Having my race as my goal is great, but each day of my training program brings small successes that enable me to thoroughly enjoy the route. Those successes also provide necessary strength to deal with other challenging parts of my busy days as a Mom who works full-time.
The first mile was at an 11:24 pace, which was just fine. Then, I tried to run faster. Well, I clocked the next mile at 9:54 and the next at 9:50. That put me only 40 seconds off the goal time, which is just fine with me, particularly given the real road conditions. I am not sure how I did that, but I happily rejoice in my success!
Feeling a faster pace is quite difficult, but even running leisurely is faster than it had been before I started with SmartCoach. With my 1/2 marathon 5 1/2 weeks away, I am going to focus on feeling the pace. That focus is realistic because I don't have to focus on what to do when -- SmartCoach has taken care of that.
Having my race as my goal is great, but each day of my training program brings small successes that enable me to thoroughly enjoy the route. Those successes also provide necessary strength to deal with other challenging parts of my busy days as a Mom who works full-time.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Mind murmur - paper books: adventure by osmosis
For me, paper books always will lure me in.
I love my Kindle, which has expanded the scope and volume of my reading. It also satisfies my instant gratification obsession. I can't always have what I want when I want it, but the limitations are la bit lessened with my Kindle at my side.
Surrounding myself with paper / bound books continues to provide a high that I am only beginning to understand and appreciate. While I am trying to rid myself of stuff, my books stay and multiply. It's not even the books in my house; my entertainment regularly includes bookstores and libraries.
Even when I don't venture far from home, or even outside it, books satisfy my wanderlust. I can travel through time and to places near and far simply by turning the pages. Also, though my formal education currently is secondary to my Son's, flipping through a book can provide needed knowledge. My emotional well-being is elevated by my surrounding books. The ones I bought at various stages and rages remind me where I've been and how far I've come. And lest I forget my cook book collection, which enriches me on many levels.
Much will come and go, but my books will remain. They decorate my house and my heart; they are a comforting constant.
I love my Kindle, which has expanded the scope and volume of my reading. It also satisfies my instant gratification obsession. I can't always have what I want when I want it, but the limitations are la bit lessened with my Kindle at my side.
Surrounding myself with paper / bound books continues to provide a high that I am only beginning to understand and appreciate. While I am trying to rid myself of stuff, my books stay and multiply. It's not even the books in my house; my entertainment regularly includes bookstores and libraries.
Even when I don't venture far from home, or even outside it, books satisfy my wanderlust. I can travel through time and to places near and far simply by turning the pages. Also, though my formal education currently is secondary to my Son's, flipping through a book can provide needed knowledge. My emotional well-being is elevated by my surrounding books. The ones I bought at various stages and rages remind me where I've been and how far I've come. And lest I forget my cook book collection, which enriches me on many levels.
Much will come and go, but my books will remain. They decorate my house and my heart; they are a comforting constant.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
awesomeness exists....
Sometimes you need to tweak the definition of awesome to realize that it exists. Today was an ordinary Saturday with way too much to do. However, as the day progressed, its awesomeness was revealed. Little pleasures were sprinkled throughout the day and night, but details surrounding my long run enveloped the day's awesomeness.
The morning was devoted to the needs of my Son and Dog, and to properly fooding and fueling for this afternoon's long run. My husband was scheduled to be gone all day, so I planned for my Son to spend a few hours with a college-aged friend. She would make some money, by Son would have attention from someone other than me, and I would enjoy my long run.
I dropped off my Son, and searched for a parking place in Providence. Thankfully, my change purse was at hand (I love it when I am organized and prepared) so feeding the meter was not a problem. I parked in the first available spot, and set off for my 6 mile long run, which ended up being, almost literally, around the City. My Garmin Forerunner enabled me to track my time, distance, and pace with ease. My iPhone, with the newly added Mumford & Sons album, provided entertainment and motivation. I simply ran, with the scenery dictating the next turn.
While I was aware of, but not controlled by, my pace, I ended up 12 seconds off the scheduled SmartCoach program pace! I have no idea how that happened, but it was awesome. I know that my pace was okay for portions of my run, but I also know that I ended up on some of the City's rather steep hills that I attacked so slowly. I thought for sure that they would totally throw me off my overall pace. That thought, however, did not deter me because I have been reading about the value of hill training. That value would outweigh any negative impact on my overall time, so I convinced myself. As it ended up, that convincing was not necessary because the overall time was spot on!
Though I was alone, seeing the City's weekend activities made me feel part of them. I discovered sights and sounds of the City of which I previously was unaware. Most significantly, I ran well and absorbed every step along the way -- the fast ones, the slow ones, and each one in between.
I had not planned my route, but after the scheduled 6 miles I ended up a perfect distance from my car, permitting an ideal cool down walk. I then stopped for a quick Chai Tea Latte at Teas and Javas, where I checked my email and texted my Son and his sitter. After a few more minutes to myself, I met them, knowing that there was still so much to the day's chores, but also feeling so unbelievably strong, renewed, and empowered from my long run on an unplanned route.
The morning was devoted to the needs of my Son and Dog, and to properly fooding and fueling for this afternoon's long run. My husband was scheduled to be gone all day, so I planned for my Son to spend a few hours with a college-aged friend. She would make some money, by Son would have attention from someone other than me, and I would enjoy my long run.
I dropped off my Son, and searched for a parking place in Providence. Thankfully, my change purse was at hand (I love it when I am organized and prepared) so feeding the meter was not a problem. I parked in the first available spot, and set off for my 6 mile long run, which ended up being, almost literally, around the City. My Garmin Forerunner enabled me to track my time, distance, and pace with ease. My iPhone, with the newly added Mumford & Sons album, provided entertainment and motivation. I simply ran, with the scenery dictating the next turn.
While I was aware of, but not controlled by, my pace, I ended up 12 seconds off the scheduled SmartCoach program pace! I have no idea how that happened, but it was awesome. I know that my pace was okay for portions of my run, but I also know that I ended up on some of the City's rather steep hills that I attacked so slowly. I thought for sure that they would totally throw me off my overall pace. That thought, however, did not deter me because I have been reading about the value of hill training. That value would outweigh any negative impact on my overall time, so I convinced myself. As it ended up, that convincing was not necessary because the overall time was spot on!
Though I was alone, seeing the City's weekend activities made me feel part of them. I discovered sights and sounds of the City of which I previously was unaware. Most significantly, I ran well and absorbed every step along the way -- the fast ones, the slow ones, and each one in between.
I had not planned my route, but after the scheduled 6 miles I ended up a perfect distance from my car, permitting an ideal cool down walk. I then stopped for a quick Chai Tea Latte at Teas and Javas, where I checked my email and texted my Son and his sitter. After a few more minutes to myself, I met them, knowing that there was still so much to the day's chores, but also feeling so unbelievably strong, renewed, and empowered from my long run on an unplanned route.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
You never know unless you try....
Meeting today's tempo run goal appeared to be an impossibility: 2x1600 @ 9:09. Well.... I ran one 1600 at a 9:06 pace, and the other at a 9:27 pace. That's close enough for me, particularly with over 1 more month until my 1/2 marathon. This success was as much mental as physical, as I had to convince myself that I could do it.
I am thankful that I overcame my fear, and I am glad that I did because I was able to experience the positive effects of my training thus far. I know that I am getting stronger....
I am thankful that I overcame my fear, and I am glad that I did because I was able to experience the positive effects of my training thus far. I know that I am getting stronger....
Monday, September 24, 2012
Remembering why I run
Today began the 6th week of my SmartCoach training program through Runner's World. I was a bit nervous about the scheduled 5 mile run. I did something to my back yesterday while watching my Son's soccer game, and I am experiencing some discomfort. Also, I have lots to do on so many fronts. However, my program called for a 5 mile run, and, therefore, a 5 mile run it would be. I rationalized that I did not have to run at the designated pace; I just had to finish the distance.
Well, I didn't run at the designated pace -- I ran faster without even trying!!! I just got out there and did my best, which ended up being better than I thought I had in me. Now I am totally re-energized for the too full schedule I have for the remainder of the day.
Runs like today's are why I run. I need to remember this feeling and accomplishment! Even if I can't impress anyone else, I can impress myself, which really is all that matters in the end....
Well, I didn't run at the designated pace -- I ran faster without even trying!!! I just got out there and did my best, which ended up being better than I thought I had in me. Now I am totally re-energized for the too full schedule I have for the remainder of the day.
Runs like today's are why I run. I need to remember this feeling and accomplishment! Even if I can't impress anyone else, I can impress myself, which really is all that matters in the end....
reenergized from running,
Friday, September 21, 2012
daily ponder - impact
Thoughts, feelings, words, and actions have an impact, whether it be positive or negative. Eliminating stuff with negative impact is critical, nearly as much as elevating stuff with positive impact. If it, whatever it is, doesn't have an impact, then it currently is of little use to me.
I will focus on what has a positive impact because I derive great pleasure from same. I know that my investment of time in my Son's life has positive impact that reaches beyond him and me. For now, that is enough....
I will focus on what has a positive impact because I derive great pleasure from same. I know that my investment of time in my Son's life has positive impact that reaches beyond him and me. For now, that is enough....
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Mind murmur - perspective
I'm not scattered. I'm spread out like a blanket, which takes up space. However, it's not scattered; it's spread out to provide comfort, or it's bunched up and welcoming.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Discovering Tempo runs
I am so fabulously surprised by the success of my tempo run. I am well into my Runner's World SmartCoach training program, which has been perfect preparation for my next half marathon!
Today's scheduled session was 4 miles, with a 1 mile warm up and cool down and 2 miles at a 9:42 pace. Based on my runs thus far, I didn't know how I would meet this goal. So that I wouldn't be too concerned about my pace, as has been the case previously on the track, I decided to run at the gym.
The first mile was slow, probably about 11:30. I then decided to run: 1/2 mile at a 10 minute pace; 1/2 mile at a 9:31 pace; 1/2 mile at a 10 minute pace; 1/4 mile at a 9:13 pace; and 1/4 mile at a 9:05 pace. I did it! Then the last mile was slow, with walking at the end.
Overall, this session was a complete success, and I did it in a way with which I was comfortable. By my calculations, which may or may not be correct, the pace for my middle two miles was 9:45 and 9:35. I can't believe I had it in me! I'm glad I found it! With 7 and 1/2 weeks remaining before my half marathon, I am in a great place!
I am grateful for my choices. This half marathon is going to mark a milestone, just as my marathon did. I ran Boston to celebrate my 35th birthday. I will run this half marathon to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary, which will be the day before my run. This choice may not be mainstream for a 10th wedding anniversary celebration, but it makes total sense to me for so many reasons.
Today's scheduled session was 4 miles, with a 1 mile warm up and cool down and 2 miles at a 9:42 pace. Based on my runs thus far, I didn't know how I would meet this goal. So that I wouldn't be too concerned about my pace, as has been the case previously on the track, I decided to run at the gym.
The first mile was slow, probably about 11:30. I then decided to run: 1/2 mile at a 10 minute pace; 1/2 mile at a 9:31 pace; 1/2 mile at a 10 minute pace; 1/4 mile at a 9:13 pace; and 1/4 mile at a 9:05 pace. I did it! Then the last mile was slow, with walking at the end.
Overall, this session was a complete success, and I did it in a way with which I was comfortable. By my calculations, which may or may not be correct, the pace for my middle two miles was 9:45 and 9:35. I can't believe I had it in me! I'm glad I found it! With 7 and 1/2 weeks remaining before my half marathon, I am in a great place!
I am grateful for my choices. This half marathon is going to mark a milestone, just as my marathon did. I ran Boston to celebrate my 35th birthday. I will run this half marathon to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary, which will be the day before my run. This choice may not be mainstream for a 10th wedding anniversary celebration, but it makes total sense to me for so many reasons.
Pondering the power of books
I always have loved books! Growing up, I cherished them, though I never was a fast reader. I remember trips to the library; we didn't frequent bookstores. Books have been a part of my life, but I am only recently realizing and accepting their power over me.
Now, at the heart of this love affair are books, I think because they are a tangible product and satisfy my need for stuff. Really, though, my affair is with reading, words, pictures, learning, and discovering. Partially, this is because I currently love my Kindle and newspaper/magazine subscriptions equally.
My recent read is Paris: A Love Story by Kati Marton. I was introduced to this book and author by a Vogue article. I was intrigued. Then, on a day trip to Martha's Vineyard, I purchased the newly released book during our ritualistic bookstore browsing at Bunch of Grapes.
Though so much of this book will stay with me, I couldn't resist recording the following:
aimlessly ambling
live at my own pace
The past should not imprison you.
get the most from myself
try to live my own life
Cafes are the finest places for people alone not to feel lonely.
focus on the task at hand
no carelessness
no sloppiness
satisfaction he derived from doing what he loved
liberating to care less about the impression I am making
Also, I was drawn to: what I took as differing love; her running; and comparing her travels to my European travels. Though the author is so different from me in many ways, I can make general comparisons, e.g., changes in professional focus, having two marriages, and readjusting.
I am grateful for having found this book!
Now, at the heart of this love affair are books, I think because they are a tangible product and satisfy my need for stuff. Really, though, my affair is with reading, words, pictures, learning, and discovering. Partially, this is because I currently love my Kindle and newspaper/magazine subscriptions equally.
My recent read is Paris: A Love Story by Kati Marton. I was introduced to this book and author by a Vogue article. I was intrigued. Then, on a day trip to Martha's Vineyard, I purchased the newly released book during our ritualistic bookstore browsing at Bunch of Grapes.
Though so much of this book will stay with me, I couldn't resist recording the following:
aimlessly ambling
live at my own pace
The past should not imprison you.
get the most from myself
try to live my own life
Cafes are the finest places for people alone not to feel lonely.
focus on the task at hand
no carelessness
no sloppiness
satisfaction he derived from doing what he loved
liberating to care less about the impression I am making
Also, I was drawn to: what I took as differing love; her running; and comparing her travels to my European travels. Though the author is so different from me in many ways, I can make general comparisons, e.g., changes in professional focus, having two marriages, and readjusting.
I am grateful for having found this book!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Mind murmur - a woman torn
I am torn between and among so much, and I am being torn apart by emotions.
All is well, but all is difficult and trying.
Today was another sandwich Sunday, which, as often is the case, was packed with tending to my eight year-old Son and ninety-two year-old Mom.
I am grateful for my weekly visits with my Mom, but each time my heart breaks a bit. She's the same, but she's different. She's well, but she's sick. She remembers, then she doesn't. Sometimes, it's hard to see her, and it's always hard to leave her.
Each week brings something different that needs to be addressed. It's increasingly impossible to imagine what my visit will be like.
Today, we went out for the littlest but of time to do an errand. My Mom said, "It's nice to get out." I wanted to cry, but of course I didn't. It's not done.
Upon arriving home, my Son started right in. He wanted to fit a full day's activities into the few hours left before his bedtime. We had a challenging week, so I wanted to simply settle down and get ready for what promises to be another busy week, as each typically is. Really I just wanted to be alone, but that was not going to happen. Thankfully, my Son settled down so that we could enjoy some reading and piano time together.
Presently, I am reminded that my Son is like me. I have a day's worth of things that I want to fit into the few remaining hours. I am not sure yet what will get done, but I am glad simply to be seated with my feet up for the first time since this day began fifteen hours ago.
Well, another sandwich Sunday is done. For these days, done is success.
In keeping with my attempt to end each day on a positive note, I will relish successful completion of another Smart Coach training week. I am four weeks into my twelve week training program. My decision to run what will be my fifth half marathon is revealing itself to be one of my better recent decisions.
All is well, but all is difficult and trying.
Today was another sandwich Sunday, which, as often is the case, was packed with tending to my eight year-old Son and ninety-two year-old Mom.
I am grateful for my weekly visits with my Mom, but each time my heart breaks a bit. She's the same, but she's different. She's well, but she's sick. She remembers, then she doesn't. Sometimes, it's hard to see her, and it's always hard to leave her.
Each week brings something different that needs to be addressed. It's increasingly impossible to imagine what my visit will be like.
Today, we went out for the littlest but of time to do an errand. My Mom said, "It's nice to get out." I wanted to cry, but of course I didn't. It's not done.
Upon arriving home, my Son started right in. He wanted to fit a full day's activities into the few hours left before his bedtime. We had a challenging week, so I wanted to simply settle down and get ready for what promises to be another busy week, as each typically is. Really I just wanted to be alone, but that was not going to happen. Thankfully, my Son settled down so that we could enjoy some reading and piano time together.
Presently, I am reminded that my Son is like me. I have a day's worth of things that I want to fit into the few remaining hours. I am not sure yet what will get done, but I am glad simply to be seated with my feet up for the first time since this day began fifteen hours ago.
Well, another sandwich Sunday is done. For these days, done is success.
In keeping with my attempt to end each day on a positive note, I will relish successful completion of another Smart Coach training week. I am four weeks into my twelve week training program. My decision to run what will be my fifth half marathon is revealing itself to be one of my better recent decisions.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
mind murmur - what's happening....
Words are difficult lately, and, therefore, so too is living by the letter. Accordingly, my mantra changes to stay true, which will be developed in time. Those two words alone are intriguing, and when put together they are powerful.
Instead of words, my focus has been on images, thus explaining my decreased focus here and my increased focus on Pinterest and Instagram.
Images are touching me as my words abandon me. I can and will go with it....
Pieces are being put together for my next half marathon, about which I grow increasingly excited.
Instead of words, my focus has been on images, thus explaining my decreased focus here and my increased focus on Pinterest and Instagram.
Images are touching me as my words abandon me. I can and will go with it....
Pieces are being put together for my next half marathon, about which I grow increasingly excited.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
What you want happens
My run didn't happen until almost 8:00 tonight, but it did happen! For that, I am grateful.
Mind Murmur -how companies differ
I can't stop thinking about how two Rhode Island companies differ so significantly, specifically Alex and Ani and 38 Studios. It is amazing to consider what Rhode Island gave to each of these companies, and what Rhode Island has received from each. Alex and Ani has been growing and growing, while giving and giving. I am not sure what 38 Studios did, except take. I could go on and on, but.... Currently, how many in Rhode Island are benefiting from each of these companies?
38 Studios,
Alex and Ani,
Rhode Island company
Steady start
Three days down for this month with three different and fulfilling workouts. Day 1: run in the city. Day 2: xtrain at the gym. Day 3: bike ride with my Son. What will today bring? Decision will be made after the little league game is done. Perhaps it will be time at the gym where I can gain more motivation by watching these fabulous olympic athletes.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Love where you live
I keep thinking that I should be somewhere else -- at times personally, professionally, and physically. Instead, I have to love where I live on each of these levels. It all suits me -- my home, my family, my work, my body, my interests, and my more.
My Walsh Wanderings do not have to be far at all....
My Walsh Wanderings do not have to be far at all....
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
New Month New Method
Once again, I am not sure where my time is being spent, which is becoming an ever more frequent occurrence. Overall, things are good, so I simply accept the loss of time. In fact, it's not really lost, it's just differently used.
A new month begins today, and with it will come a new method for me. I hope to have a different approach to time. With that intention came immediate implementation. This morning, after dropping my Son at camp, I went for a fabulous run in the city. I wasn't so fast, but done was such a great feeling!
I feel so much better in so many ways when I exercise. This month, I want it to be so high on my priority list. Here's to hoping that I can succeed in this method.
A new month begins today, and with it will come a new method for me. I hope to have a different approach to time. With that intention came immediate implementation. This morning, after dropping my Son at camp, I went for a fabulous run in the city. I wasn't so fast, but done was such a great feeling!
I feel so much better in so many ways when I exercise. This month, I want it to be so high on my priority list. Here's to hoping that I can succeed in this method.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Taking Time
Get it where and when you can.... I had to work yesterday, though I had taken the day off. Accordingly, today I took time after my hair appointment to wander around Wayland Square on the East Side of Providence. It is among my favorite places! Today's wandering included a chosen luxury of a new Alex and Ani bangle, the lobster. I received a coupon for a free coffee next door at the newly opened Teas and Javas. I relaxed there for a bit while I enjoyed my treat. This break was enough to reenergize me for the rest of what will be a busy, and relatively hectic day.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Today's luxury choice
I have been in transition regarding my personal care products. I never have been too concerned about these products. However, as I age, I am finding that product is critical, for my hair and skin. Also, makeup makes all the difference now, as never before. Recently, I notices a Blue Mercury store nearby. I remember reading about the founding of this company, and being extremely impressed. Visiting the store in hopes of finding a new go to location has been an open item. Today I closed it with great success! I love what I bought, the ideas that I got, and the beauty bug that I caught.
Better still, I shared this adventure with my Mom, for whom I purchased a lipstick. She was treated with care as I indulged in product. This hectic week is done, and I am ready for a new one.
Better still, I shared this adventure with my Mom, for whom I purchased a lipstick. She was treated with care as I indulged in product. This hectic week is done, and I am ready for a new one.
chosen luxury,
personal care products
Monday, July 2, 2012
Keeping it simple
This mantra is critical. Today, while walking the dog along the reservoir, I gratefully gazed at my surroundings. I paused when my eyes fixed on a bush bursting with colored berries, which I then captured for inclusion here.
Now, one might argue that simplicity would not include an iPhone. However, it is simple in its use. Also, it simply satisfies my obsession with stuff while I am on the go. I have with me my camera, listening and reading material, a flashlight, the ability to communicate as necessary, and endless additional stuff.
Now, one might argue that simplicity would not include an iPhone. However, it is simple in its use. Also, it simply satisfies my obsession with stuff while I am on the go. I have with me my camera, listening and reading material, a flashlight, the ability to communicate as necessary, and endless additional stuff.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thoughts on having it all
I have been consumed by this discussion.
For a time, I would say that I had it all and it vanished in one week. I had a husband, a house, and a BMW. I practiced law and spent time on Nantucket, Cape Cod, and in Maine.
Then, from one June Tuesday to the next, I sold my house, quit my job, went to court for my divorce, and moved in with my aging parents. I didn't even have a car, as my husband took the BMW.
My all was all gone.
Years later, I wonder if that was the all for me. Perhaps I had it all, mixed up that is. Currently, I have pretty much, and I don't attempt to decide whether it's all or not. It's my all right now- I have it and I give it.
I have a second husband, a small house, and a 9 year old car. I also have an 8 year old son and a job. I spend most of my time close to home. I have time and I make time, most significantly for my 92 year old mother and my running. Right now, this is my all and it's enough.
As a 48 year old woman who sometimes feels like I've had it all and done it all, I know that my all is not someone else's all. I feel fortunate that I can change what my all is and still have it.
These thoughts will continue, but right now it's time to stop thinking at all and do.
For a time, I would say that I had it all and it vanished in one week. I had a husband, a house, and a BMW. I practiced law and spent time on Nantucket, Cape Cod, and in Maine.
Then, from one June Tuesday to the next, I sold my house, quit my job, went to court for my divorce, and moved in with my aging parents. I didn't even have a car, as my husband took the BMW.
My all was all gone.
Years later, I wonder if that was the all for me. Perhaps I had it all, mixed up that is. Currently, I have pretty much, and I don't attempt to decide whether it's all or not. It's my all right now- I have it and I give it.
I have a second husband, a small house, and a 9 year old car. I also have an 8 year old son and a job. I spend most of my time close to home. I have time and I make time, most significantly for my 92 year old mother and my running. Right now, this is my all and it's enough.
As a 48 year old woman who sometimes feels like I've had it all and done it all, I know that my all is not someone else's all. I feel fortunate that I can change what my all is and still have it.
These thoughts will continue, but right now it's time to stop thinking at all and do.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Back to basics again
Back to basics for me always means slowing down and keeping it simple. Today I had nothing planned except month end work. I was able to organize a few things, and get rid of a few more. I hung out in the hammock with my Son. We watched some of the Olympics trials and got motivated in so many ways - what a great group of athletes! I read the New York Times and more of Peter Kaminsky's Culinary Intelligence.
Most importantly, I took time for a run and to make a family dinner at home. In the end, all is well....
Most importantly, I took time for a run and to make a family dinner at home. In the end, all is well....
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Adjusting again
I am reminded again that adjusting is a key to successful living. When I don't adjust, I end up resentful and grumpy. When I adjust, I accept what is and get through the day as best as possible. Some things don't get done for sure, but overall I am more at ease.
I love routines and structure, but they too often don't work with my current schedule. I will do as best I can and give myself credit for that.
I accepted today for what it was. For that acceptance I am grateful.
Tonight is another chapter; let's see what gets "written."
I love routines and structure, but they too often don't work with my current schedule. I will do as best I can and give myself credit for that.
I accepted today for what it was. For that acceptance I am grateful.
Tonight is another chapter; let's see what gets "written."
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Running repairs and renews
My emotions have been so varied of late; things are great and things are difficult at the same time. I am staying strong overall, and for that I am so pleased. Today was hectic as heck, but I knew that I had to fit in a run. The short run was hot and slow, but I did it!
My run made a huge difference to me in so many positive ways, and the time I st aside did not have a significant negative impact on the demands placed upon me. The difference to me clearly outweighs anything and everything else. Exerting the energy left me with more energy, which I so need these days.
Today's run left me feeling so much better physically, mentally, and emotionally, and left me with the following thought: give a little and get a lot. I welcome that necessary boost!
My run made a huge difference to me in so many positive ways, and the time I st aside did not have a significant negative impact on the demands placed upon me. The difference to me clearly outweighs anything and everything else. Exerting the energy left me with more energy, which I so need these days.
Today's run left me feeling so much better physically, mentally, and emotionally, and left me with the following thought: give a little and get a lot. I welcome that necessary boost!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Great way / to start the day
I love this, and will employ it as a new mantra. If I find a great way to start the day, then it will be better throughout! The ways will differ but all will have my betterment as the focus. Often, this time is spent in bed waiting for my Son to awake. As such, the ways typically are quiet and contemplative ones, for which my Kindle and iPhone are ideal.
This morning, for example, I read a Kindle single, Gutenberg the Geek by Jeff Jarvis. This quick read was quite informative, thought-provoking, and motivating. Generally, I have difficulty digesting hostorical events of any kind, so that the 1400s are totally unattainable. However, Jarvis' comparisons to current times made the past more easily understandable to this history challenged individual.
This morning, for example, I read a Kindle single, Gutenberg the Geek by Jeff Jarvis. This quick read was quite informative, thought-provoking, and motivating. Generally, I have difficulty digesting hostorical events of any kind, so that the 1400s are totally unattainable. However, Jarvis' comparisons to current times made the past more easily understandable to this history challenged individual.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Magnificent Minutia
Today, I got caught up in so much minutia, and it was magnificent! Detailed emails and status determinations for work were productive. Moving forward was rewarding.
I sold an item on Craigslist for a neighbor. As the buyer was coming to collect the item, another neighbor brought me plants that she no longer needed in her garden. After my run, I chatted with a neighbor, who was walking another neighbor's baby, during my cool down walk. While we chatted, new neighbors said hello. While walking my dog, I received status updates from several other neighbors. I could not help but think of Robert Frosts, A Time to Talk. These interactions were invaluable to me. For example, they remind me that I have a fabulous neighborhood!
The goodness of the day was quickly overshadowed by the craziness that was the antics exhibited by my husband and son upon their return from an outing. I worked through it, but....
I sold an item on Craigslist for a neighbor. As the buyer was coming to collect the item, another neighbor brought me plants that she no longer needed in her garden. After my run, I chatted with a neighbor, who was walking another neighbor's baby, during my cool down walk. While we chatted, new neighbors said hello. While walking my dog, I received status updates from several other neighbors. I could not help but think of Robert Frosts, A Time to Talk. These interactions were invaluable to me. For example, they remind me that I have a fabulous neighborhood!
The goodness of the day was quickly overshadowed by the craziness that was the antics exhibited by my husband and son upon their return from an outing. I worked through it, but....
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
What Matters Most
Today was an exercise in remembering and realizing what matters most. I completed that exercise successfully, and for that I am grateful.
I was planning to go to the mall for a gift and an outfit for a graduation party. Instead, however, what mattered most was exercising. I don't need the perfect gift, and if I'm more fit then I will fit into an outfit that I already own. So, off to the gym I went for cross training and weights. Done delightfully!
When my Son chose to be naughty, I chose not to engage. What matters most for now is removing myself from the situation. After a bit of time, he calmed down and I had not lost control.
My food focus is critical for me to get back on track. What matters most is making that focus fun, which today included stopping by the local Farmers' Market. The shitake mushrooms and fresh greens nicely complimented our family meal!
Finally, work worked for me today. I was productive, which sometimes is sufficient.
What matters most is not doing it all or doing too much in one day, but is focusing on a few things.
Currently, I am living the lesson that eating well and being active results in more energy. I am committed to continuing....
I was planning to go to the mall for a gift and an outfit for a graduation party. Instead, however, what mattered most was exercising. I don't need the perfect gift, and if I'm more fit then I will fit into an outfit that I already own. So, off to the gym I went for cross training and weights. Done delightfully!
When my Son chose to be naughty, I chose not to engage. What matters most for now is removing myself from the situation. After a bit of time, he calmed down and I had not lost control.
My food focus is critical for me to get back on track. What matters most is making that focus fun, which today included stopping by the local Farmers' Market. The shitake mushrooms and fresh greens nicely complimented our family meal!
Finally, work worked for me today. I was productive, which sometimes is sufficient.
What matters most is not doing it all or doing too much in one day, but is focusing on a few things.
Currently, I am living the lesson that eating well and being active results in more energy. I am committed to continuing....
Monday, May 21, 2012
Mind Murmur
My 9 stocks up. Facebook stock down. Right now, life is good. I'll take that for a Monday.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Information Overload
Okay, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I have this blog. I use Shutterfly and Snapfish. I've played with Groupon and Yelp, and I love Google everything! I use my iPhone and Dell tablet, as well as my Kindle. I'm finally texting and playing Words With Friends. I'm sure there's more, but....
Tonight, I signed up for Instagram. Do I really need that too? What about Tumblr? So much stuff is out there, but I am only one otherwise very busy person. Connecting with people takes on way too many forms these days. In some ways I feel more connected now than before, though I now spend much more time at home than before. I find this very odd, and sometimes unsettling.
There's only 24 hours in each day. Choosing how to use them is an ever evolving experiment. I wonder how Arnold Bennett's book, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, would differ if it were written today.
Oh no, the overload is overwhelming. I think that I will take time to reconnect with my friends Crayola and Sharpie. They nicely get along with a newer friend, Moleskine, whose diverse family is growing in my house.
Tonight, I signed up for Instagram. Do I really need that too? What about Tumblr? So much stuff is out there, but I am only one otherwise very busy person. Connecting with people takes on way too many forms these days. In some ways I feel more connected now than before, though I now spend much more time at home than before. I find this very odd, and sometimes unsettling.
There's only 24 hours in each day. Choosing how to use them is an ever evolving experiment. I wonder how Arnold Bennett's book, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, would differ if it were written today.
Oh no, the overload is overwhelming. I think that I will take time to reconnect with my friends Crayola and Sharpie. They nicely get along with a newer friend, Moleskine, whose diverse family is growing in my house.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
It's all about choices.... Today had many ups and many downs. I choose to focus on the ups. I choose not to give into the downs. If I do, then tomorrow's ups won't be as bountiful, and I need them.
I can make good choices tonight because I chose to run today. My choice for that run, like in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, made all the difference.
I can make good choices tonight because I chose to run today. My choice for that run, like in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, made all the difference.
Again I am remaking, this time simply by readjusting and refocusing. I amnot sure what happened, but I lost sight of something, and found myself in agrouchy place. Despite moving very quickly, I don't feel as though I havegotten much done. Perhaps it's what got done (tasks requested by and forothers), and more importantly what didn't get done, i.e., things that arecritical to my well-being. That focus left me feeling fatter, less fit, fickle,and exhausted. Fortunately, I have halted that movement.
For the past 10 days, I have gotten back to my basics. Why do I continue to forget how critical theyare for me? Without them, I ultimatelyend up physically, emotionally, and mentally spent. With them, I am completely complete for myfunctioning purposes, though perhaps not in others’ eyes. Theirs, however, do not get me through thedays and nights, so they must be closed to me.
Most significantly, the basics on which I am pursuing primarily are eatingbetter and exercising. With them, I have perspective.
Once again, it’s back to what matters for, and is important to, me. And once again, it’s back to choices. Finally, it’s back to thinking about thatwhich I can control and that which I can’t control.
Having sorted out my current thoughts just a bit, it’s now time for a run. After all, everything’s better for me after a run….
I add this rose as a reminder for me to remember....
As an aside, I have not been particularly fond of roses lately, but I am particularly fond of the 2 dozen colorful ones I received for Mother's Day. I am enjoying watching them change each day, though they ultimately still are the same. They are getting better with time. Oh, am I now writing about the roses or me, or both?
For the past 10 days, I have gotten back to my basics. Why do I continue to forget how critical theyare for me? Without them, I ultimatelyend up physically, emotionally, and mentally spent. With them, I am completely complete for myfunctioning purposes, though perhaps not in others’ eyes. Theirs, however, do not get me through thedays and nights, so they must be closed to me.
Most significantly, the basics on which I am pursuing primarily are eatingbetter and exercising. With them, I have perspective.
Once again, it’s back to what matters for, and is important to, me. And once again, it’s back to choices. Finally, it’s back to thinking about thatwhich I can control and that which I can’t control.
Having sorted out my current thoughts just a bit, it’s now time for a run. After all, everything’s better for me after a run….
I add this rose as a reminder for me to remember....
As an aside, I have not been particularly fond of roses lately, but I am particularly fond of the 2 dozen colorful ones I received for Mother's Day. I am enjoying watching them change each day, though they ultimately still are the same. They are getting better with time. Oh, am I now writing about the roses or me, or both?
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
If this link works, it shows a video that brought tears to my eyes and motivation to my body.... Joan Benoit Samuelson is a true inspiration to me, and has been so as long as I can remember. Lest I not forget the Nike poster she signed for me at the Boston Marathon Expo in 1999, the year I ran Boston!
If this link works, it shows a video that brought tears to my eyes and motivation to my body.... Joan Benoit Samuelson is a true inspiration to me, and has been so as long as I can remember. Lest I not forget the Nike poster she signed for me at the Boston Marathon Expo in 1999, the year I ran Boston!
Taking time
I took time today for something I wanted to do, with no negative impact to
my boys (husband, son, and dog) and huge positive rewards to me! I need to
remember that as I move forward.
On my way home from the office, I decided to stop at Dave's Marketplace to get an autographed copy of Ted Allen's new cookbook. I totally love him, and the show Chopped! I also am turning into a cookbook junkie, and acquiring this one would provide a good fix. Finally, this would make an awesome addition to the food-themed graduation gift on which I am working.
I didn't tell my husband because I didn't know if this rendezvous was possible. However, having made good time on my commute home despite the rain, I decided that I would take a chance. The event was nicely organized! Getting the books was simple, and the wait in aisle 7 was made much more pleasant by the company and the passed snacks offered by the store's staff. The wait was not too long, and well worth it. I saw, shook hands with, conversed a bit with, and took a picture of, Ted Allen. I also got 2 signed copies of his book. The one to my son includes, "The next Chopped Champion."
When I arrived home, the boys were totally fine and I was in a much better mood than usual. Typically, on days like that, when I awake at 3:45 a.m. for a day at the office, I am definitely done by the time I get home in the early evening. However, having taken time to complete a fun task, I was oddly reenergized. While my son completed his homework, I browsed my fun find, mentioning tons of the recipes to my husband and son as possible additions to our table. The resulting family time was wonderful!
What may appear to be a silly or insignificant event ended up being super significant to me, in and of itself and for the benefits it provided already and will continue to provide! For that I am grateful. I am pleased when I can identify what I want and then take steps to make it happen….
On my way home from the office, I decided to stop at Dave's Marketplace to get an autographed copy of Ted Allen's new cookbook. I totally love him, and the show Chopped! I also am turning into a cookbook junkie, and acquiring this one would provide a good fix. Finally, this would make an awesome addition to the food-themed graduation gift on which I am working.
I didn't tell my husband because I didn't know if this rendezvous was possible. However, having made good time on my commute home despite the rain, I decided that I would take a chance. The event was nicely organized! Getting the books was simple, and the wait in aisle 7 was made much more pleasant by the company and the passed snacks offered by the store's staff. The wait was not too long, and well worth it. I saw, shook hands with, conversed a bit with, and took a picture of, Ted Allen. I also got 2 signed copies of his book. The one to my son includes, "The next Chopped Champion."
When I arrived home, the boys were totally fine and I was in a much better mood than usual. Typically, on days like that, when I awake at 3:45 a.m. for a day at the office, I am definitely done by the time I get home in the early evening. However, having taken time to complete a fun task, I was oddly reenergized. While my son completed his homework, I browsed my fun find, mentioning tons of the recipes to my husband and son as possible additions to our table. The resulting family time was wonderful!
What may appear to be a silly or insignificant event ended up being super significant to me, in and of itself and for the benefits it provided already and will continue to provide! For that I am grateful. I am pleased when I can identify what I want and then take steps to make it happen….
Dave's Marketplace,
food network,
Ted Allen
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mind murmur
I love working in the office. I just wish the commute was not so significant (280 miles round trip).
Sunday, April 1, 2012
April's Arrival
Well, March is done. It was all over the board. Suffice it to say that I finished strong at work. Further focus is not required; it's time to tread....
For a Sunday, today was successful. I started at the gym. It was only 40 minutes, but it was something. I'll take it. The rest of the day was filled with being a Mom and a daughter.
I began making a monthly plan.... There's lots to do, but all of it doesn't have to get done. I need to prioritize; it's possible.... I am a doer more than a thinker. I like to plan, but have learned that too much planning puts me in paralysis. When I do, I move. Thankfully, my movement of late have been forward. I believe same is a result of focusing on what works for me, and on what advances my needs and wants, rather than focusing on what others might expect of me.
Daily dose of delight: going with it....
For a Sunday, today was successful. I started at the gym. It was only 40 minutes, but it was something. I'll take it. The rest of the day was filled with being a Mom and a daughter.
I began making a monthly plan.... There's lots to do, but all of it doesn't have to get done. I need to prioritize; it's possible.... I am a doer more than a thinker. I like to plan, but have learned that too much planning puts me in paralysis. When I do, I move. Thankfully, my movement of late have been forward. I believe same is a result of focusing on what works for me, and on what advances my needs and wants, rather than focusing on what others might expect of me.
Daily dose of delight: going with it....
Plan for Poetry Month
My second grader told me last week that April is poetry month. I was a bit nervous about recognizing that until I reminded myself that anything I do will be great -- my approach does not have to be amazing; an attempt will be more than adequate.
In preparation, when we were at the library yesterday, we got 2 books. Tonight, we read the first chapter of Poetry Matters by Ralph Fletcher. We also read some Shel Silverstein and Robert Frost. The latter is by far my favorite. Specifically, we read The Road Not Taken, which brought back memories of high school when I memorized that poem for declaration. I also read Into My Own, a recent favorite.
My Son wrote a poem,
Mom, you're a bomb!
Can I rhyme.
Well you tell me.
Can it be?
Do you think I can?
With that, I consider the first day of poetry month a total success. Here's to hoping that we can keep it up....
In preparation, when we were at the library yesterday, we got 2 books. Tonight, we read the first chapter of Poetry Matters by Ralph Fletcher. We also read some Shel Silverstein and Robert Frost. The latter is by far my favorite. Specifically, we read The Road Not Taken, which brought back memories of high school when I memorized that poem for declaration. I also read Into My Own, a recent favorite.
My Son wrote a poem,
Mom, you're a bomb!
Can I rhyme.
Well you tell me.
Can it be?
Do you think I can?
With that, I consider the first day of poetry month a total success. Here's to hoping that we can keep it up....
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Living and learning
I just spent 20 minutes composing a post, which I then proceeded to somehow delete. Once again, I live and learn. Now my time is not mine, so the post will have to wait. For now, I will relish in the realization that I am learning so much from my Son as I teach and nurture him. He gets things done, and lives in the moment. I am grateful for that. This week, he turned in a school project 2 days early (which is when I would have been starting it).
My fear of raising a reluctant reader has been ridiculously reduced. Three times already this week, he has said that the book he is reading on the Kindle is addicting. He is so proud of himself for having finished two chapter books since Friday. He wanted to read rather than watch television or play video games.
Significantly, if he doesn't like what he's reading, he simply reads something else. This approach is eyeopening for me. I recall times when I did not read because I hadn't finished the book I was reading; I couldn't move on until that one was done. My life is more complete when my Son rebels (consciously or not) against how I needlessly did things.
My fear of raising a reluctant reader has been ridiculously reduced. Three times already this week, he has said that the book he is reading on the Kindle is addicting. He is so proud of himself for having finished two chapter books since Friday. He wanted to read rather than watch television or play video games.
Significantly, if he doesn't like what he's reading, he simply reads something else. This approach is eyeopening for me. I recall times when I did not read because I hadn't finished the book I was reading; I couldn't move on until that one was done. My life is more complete when my Son rebels (consciously or not) against how I needlessly did things.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Weekly Wanderings
Last week at this time, I intended to stay strong. I did, and as anticipated, I didn't go wrong. I ran 3 times, I worked out at the gym twice, and I was active each of the weekend days. As a result, I feel better physically and mentally.
I took time to exercise. Taking that time did not detract from, and in fact facilitated, my ability to be an effective mom and employee. Some other things got done, and some didn't, but.... Everything doesn't have to get done; acknowledging and accepting that is liberating.
Figuring out what to fit in and when is so worth it.
I took time to exercise. Taking that time did not detract from, and in fact facilitated, my ability to be an effective mom and employee. Some other things got done, and some didn't, but.... Everything doesn't have to get done; acknowledging and accepting that is liberating.
Figuring out what to fit in and when is so worth it.
Appreciation is awesome
Yesterday was a total failure. BUT, what a difference a day (and an attitude) makes. It took some energy, but remembering to appreciate turned the day around; it was a total success! Unlike last night at this time, I feel fulfilled.
That fulfillment flows from appreciation. I took time to appreciate knowing what I need and loving what I have. My Son and I rode our bikes to attend several open houses. It was fun to be outside and active with my Son. The houses were fine, but we left them liking ours better. What a great feeling!
Rather than getting frustrated with my Mom during our weekly visit, I simply appreciated that I am able to spend time with her, knowing that it is finite with her 92nd birthday just a few months away. Our time was not without mishap, but it was our time nonetheless, and for that I am appreciative.
That fulfillment flows from appreciation. I took time to appreciate knowing what I need and loving what I have. My Son and I rode our bikes to attend several open houses. It was fun to be outside and active with my Son. The houses were fine, but we left them liking ours better. What a great feeling!
Rather than getting frustrated with my Mom during our weekly visit, I simply appreciated that I am able to spend time with her, knowing that it is finite with her 92nd birthday just a few months away. Our time was not without mishap, but it was our time nonetheless, and for that I am appreciative.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Tough times....
Another sandwich Sunday, morning mass with my Son and afternoon mass with my Mom. Not much for me, until now with Yanni on WGBH and a cup of Tazo tea. I totally don't feel like working, but....
I don't have as much support as I need right now, and that's unfortunate. However, I will stay strong. Tomorrow I will run because it is one of the best things I do for myself. Currently, it is critical.
Today I was not at my best, and I almost fell apart at least 3 times. Tomorrow will be different - better by far. I owe that to myself and to those who are important to me.
This past week I ran twice. Those were the 2 best days of the week. That run amount was better than the prior week, but not even close to where it needs to be for me.
The week is done. Here comes another one. I'll give it my best and hope for it right back at me. I will stay strong and I won't go wrong.
I don't have as much support as I need right now, and that's unfortunate. However, I will stay strong. Tomorrow I will run because it is one of the best things I do for myself. Currently, it is critical.
Today I was not at my best, and I almost fell apart at least 3 times. Tomorrow will be different - better by far. I owe that to myself and to those who are important to me.
This past week I ran twice. Those were the 2 best days of the week. That run amount was better than the prior week, but not even close to where it needs to be for me.
The week is done. Here comes another one. I'll give it my best and hope for it right back at me. I will stay strong and I won't go wrong.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March Management and Movement
Another month has begun and I am ready! I will focus on managing my activities and moving forward (though for fitness purposes, any movement will do).
I have so much going on and so much that I want to do, so management is critical.
This month will be monumental!
I have so much going on and so much that I want to do, so management is critical.
This month will be monumental!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Do it on Tuesday
Back to a bit of a routine today, which is a good thing. I have lots to do for work and play. Taking action and moving forward is all that's required. The rest will follow as it will.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Reclaiming an interest in the old
I have begun listing the antique Haviland Limoges china on eBay. As there's never time for everything, my legs haven't been running.
But alas, my head and heart have been doing double time. Handling this more than 100 year old china makes my heart race, mostly because I want to protect it. My head races with ideas about how properly to list / market this fabulous find.
Part of me wants to keep it for myself to entertain in grand style. I am amazed by the intricacies of the details. Every piece is different! I never thought that flowers of only 2 colors could carry such allure!
But alas, my head and heart have been doing double time. Handling this more than 100 year old china makes my heart race, mostly because I want to protect it. My head races with ideas about how properly to list / market this fabulous find.
Part of me wants to keep it for myself to entertain in grand style. I am amazed by the intricacies of the details. Every piece is different! I never thought that flowers of only 2 colors could carry such allure!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
More Haviland Limoges fun unpacking the lot
The fun continues.... Tonight we unpacked the china and found tons of serving dishes, from platters, to covered dishes to gravy boats, and bowls. The details are more abundant than previously imagined, with gold accents and more. I think that I have identified the backmarks, and dated this china from 1876 and 1880. Now I need to get the Schleiger number. I am anxious to get my eBay listings going, but.... All in time....
5 platters that get bigger and bigger....
The braided handle with gold accents is fabulous....
The most interesting gravy boat I have ever seen....
Monday, February 6, 2012
Fabulous find - Haviland Limoges China
For anyone who may find my blog, perhaps you would like to help me identify this china. I would so welcome any comments.
haviland limoges,
identify pattern,
Mark F,
unknown pattern
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