Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Busy is best

Things have been crazy busy, and that is for the best!

I am selling again on ebay, as hemwcollects.  I enjoy this so much for so many reasons, but I can't often enough find time.  I am making time now, and having fun!

Work and my Son are challenging and rewarding, but leave me with little time for other interests.  I have been thinking a lot about the work life integration idea, with which I am intrigued.  As I tweeted recently, my balance was never very good, so the idea of integration makes infinite sense. 

My half marathon training is progressing perfectly!  I am 10 weeks into my SmartCoach program, and have followed the schedule fabulously.  I am getting stronger!  Two more weeks until the race, and I will be ready!

Between my Kindle, Audible, and print books, I am getting through more books this year than during so many years past.  And what fun I am having!!!  Part of my plan is to escape, enjoy, and enrich.  However, I also want to instill in my Son a love for reading - I did so little of it as a child, and I had lots of catching up to do as my schooling progressed.  I want him to have an advantage over me in that regard.  So far, I am succeeding....

Alas, I am finding time for my new Moleskine notebook that is connected to Evernote, a most fantastic find.  While browsing around Evernote, I saw a rference to the book, Total Recall.  I bought it easily from Amazon, and I am totally enthralled by the possibilities.

There's not much time for my way too many other interests, but....  For now, it's okay....

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