Back to basics....

My many remakings are remarkable in their own way. Each, to varying degrees, includes body, mind, and spirit. Each requires being proactive, rather than reactive.

Running always provides the necessary rubric. Running enables me to: regroup; renew; rework; reorganize; remember; and reenergize.

Running is not static; it requires constant movement. So too do I. Running is my restorative.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New times...techie....

For my birthday, my 9 year old sent me the following email,

"i am wishing you an awesome, lovely birthday i am so sad that you didn't really get anything.i will make your birthday the best one ever - how well i'll be a good well behaved boy and al that other stuff.  Sincerely, Connor your awesome well behaved son!!!!!"

He also bought me a song on iTunes, One Republic's Feel Again.  Forget the fact that he had a gift card, bought a song for himself too, and likes One Republic as much as I. 

These times are different....

This will be a totally tech birthday....  I awoke to birthday wishes through Facebook, and by text message.  I also received my first gift through the new Facebook gifting feature!  How fun....

I have to work on the computer....

Let's see what other tech times I can have today....

Monday, January 28, 2013

10,000 steps week 3 / Yoga week 2

While I exercised 5 times this past week, I only made my 10,000 steps goal once.  This experiment is quite interesting, and will continue.  I never was below 5,000 steps, but getting to goal is more challenging than anticipated.  Fitness comes in many forms, and I am enjoying my experiments....

I am 2 weeks into my yoga experiment.  I have set a goal of twice per week.  It appears to be an attainable goal, which is hard to come by these days.  I am intrigued, and more, by this yoga experiment.  For now, my primary thought is - bring it....

Yesterdays was part of an overall successful experience.  I woke up early on a Sunday morning, ready to go.  I made me the first priority of the day, setting off just after 8am.  After the awesome 1 hour class (I could tell I was doing more than during earlier classes), I meandered over to Starbucks, and then to Whole Foods for Sunday dinner ingredients.

Once home, I was ready for what promised to be a busy sandwich Sunday.... 

Monday, January 21, 2013

10,000 steps - week 2

I tracked my steps for another week, thanks to my iPod Nano.  Getting to goal is harder than you think.   I exercised 4 times last week, yet I only got past my 10,000 steps twice.  I never fell below 5,000 steps, and I'm glad for that I am glad.  Also, I will cut myself slack for the days I did yoga.  I will continue to track; this adventure/experiment is quite interesting.... 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bittersweet changes

Over 16 years ago, I added this picture to my desk at work.  Though my desk changed within the building, the picture remained.  It was a reminder to me of starting over, and my original remaking, when I "ran away from home" after my divorce.  When I started my job, my Daddy was dying; this picture of him and me was taken in 12/95, I starter my job in 12/96, and he died in 1/97. 

Today, I removed this picture from my desk.  The office is moving to a different building, and I no longer need this picture as an immediate reminder.  My Daddy remains in my heart....  Thankfully, my remakings now are more refinements.

Throughout the day, I recalled all that transpired while at that building.  I began and ended many runs from the parking lot.  I remember meeting up with MJB, who played a major role in my CT life.  I received my last call from JEF there, and the first call from my husband.  Lest I forget sitting at my desk on the afternoon that my sister called to tell me that my Daddy died.  I smoked more than a few cigarettes "out back," where I was when the first plane hit on 9/11.  The memories were overwhelming and too many to here record....

Physically, the area today looked like it did on the day that I first took pictures to show my Daddy where I would start over.  He told me that he was confident that I would be okay after he died....  I have been, and continue to be, okay.  In fact, in many ways I am better.  I am stronger for sure, and I have taken within me the confidence that my Daddy expressed to me.  I am much more true to myself.... 

When I left the building for the last time this afternoon, I took comfort in knowing both how far I have come, and that I am generally in a great place at this point in my life.

Next week, I will arrive at a new building as a newer me....  Times change, surroundings change, but certain things remain the same....    


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Physical adjustments

Feeling and making physical adjustments can be challenging and rewarding.  Today, I feel the effects of  yesterday's yoga class.  I welcome them with mixed emotions; I don't like the pain, but I do like that my body is adjusting positively. 

For better or worse, I do not have a regular schedule/routine.  Much of this foundation month, therefore, is devoted to making, taking, scheduling, and evaluating time.  Figuring out what plan works and how to work the plan is half the battle, at least.  I am getting better at living in the moment, and, therefore, actually doing whatever the plan calls for is the easy part.  Getting there is the hard part, which I will welcome because I so do love the effects of the adjustments.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fitness forward

Today I experienced my first yoga class ever.  It was interesting, almost fun.... 

I followed my gut as to where and when I took this class.  My gut was right.  The location, the instructor, and the other people in the class contributed to my success.    I certainly understand the benefits, and know that I will go to more classes.  The first step is often the hardest, and I took that.  I will give myself credit, and move on.

Today also marked 1 week of my 10,000 steps experiment.  My iPod Nano is a fabulous partner in this adventure.  I clip it on, and off I go.  I am not sure what happened on Saturday; my steps could not have calculated properly.  Oh well, live and learn....

Of 8 days, I exceeded 10,000 steps on only 3 days.  Only 2 days were under 5,000 steps.  Tracking my steps is an interesting experiment to see how active I actually am.

January is my month to lay a foundation for the year to come.  The foundation is forming, and for that I am grateful.  My mantra is yet to materialize....I am wondering as I wander, yet again -- or still.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sandwich Sunday

Morning with my Son and afternoon with my Mom.... She is enjoying her ice cream soda while I sit for a few minutes. When you're 92 1/2, I think this is a fine lunch.

Thankfully, I took time to walk the dog along the water and at the gym this morning. That time helps me get through my sandwich time with ease. I also bought a yoga mat for my new adventure! I am ready for tomorrow's power hour.

My goal of overall better fitness is attainable!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ready for the Remake

New year, same me.  Remade, though.  It's going to be a great year! So far, I have been setting myself up for success....

Though I have exercised a bit, today was my first run outdoors of the new year.  It was awesome, from the first step to the last.  I ran for the fun and love of it. 

I was accompanied on today's run with the Nike+ Running app on my iPhone.  Fabulous!!!  I am going to have fun with this....

My iPods and iPhone have been part of me for a bit of time now, but a week ago I got my first iMac, the new 27" model.  This is going to add to the great things that will be me this year.  I am making time each day to play with my iMac.  What terrific time....      

The posts aren't predominant.  My time on Pinterest and Instagram also is less, as is my time on Facebook.  Twitter has taken some time.  Mostly, though, I am in and among myself. planting seeds and laying the foundation. 

This year's mantra has not yet materialized, but today I was thinking -- use what you have.  I also am thinking that working the five focus factors might be just fine.  They still sit strong with me -- fitness, finance, family, fun, and food.  Everything I do, and that matters to me, is connected in some way to one or more of these factors.  

We all have the same amount of time; the key is how we use it.  We have to take time and make time.  With so many interests, it's not always easy for me to apply my time before it runs out on another day....  Thankfully, another one is just hours away....  Each day we can begin again or pick up where we left off.  Each day can be the same or different.  Each day is a new day, or another day. What goes into each day is ours to pursue, and what comes from each day is ours to capture.  Realizing that is awesome, overwhelming and exciting!  Bring it....